Analyse John Rawls justification of discrimination to achieve the goals of Justice. (UPSC CSE Mains 2018 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 1)

  • John Rawls was a firm opposer of utilitarianism, which held the view that just or fair actions are the ones that bring the greatest amount of good for the greatest number. He condemned utilitarianism because he opined that it paves the way for governments to function in ways that bring happiness to a majority but ignore the wishes and rights of a minority.
  • Rawls has given three principles of justice. 1st principle focuses on maximum equal liberty and 2nd on equality of opportunity. In 3rd principle however, he suggests to practice discrimination. He suggests that natural differences are neither just nor unjust. It is social principles which have such classification. Thus, we have to evolve principles which will be just. Which will be in moral sync with conscience.
  • He suggests that we need to ensure social security net. It is the choice an individual will make under ‘veil of ignorance’, it is a rational choice since it avoids the ‘worst off’ for everyone, and anybody may need it at any time. And therefore, we should accept this proposal.
  • However, in overall perspective, Rawls gives preference to liberty over equality. And for the same reason, he has been criticized by communitarians and socialists alike. We however, should not neglect the courage of Rawls to make such propositions in a society which largely believes in classical liberalism.

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