Critically assess Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru's views on Indian Nationalism.
- He had a liberalist attitude towards Indian National freedom movement. He along with C.Y.Chintamani, Tej Bahadur Sapru, Srinivasa Shastri and S.N.Banerjee formed the Indian Liberal Party.
- Under the influence of Gokhale, he believed in constitutional means of agitation.
- He wanted to accept Jinnah’s proposals and concede some more seats to him, if peace and agreement could be procured through it. He mediated between Congress and Muslim league.
- He wanted India as a federation of the whole territorial units, under the British rule by Indian constitution. Thus he stressed on national unity.
- As a liberal leader he favored formation of interim government and he opposed creation of “Pakistan” as a separate state.
- He always tried to make Indian National movement more participatory in nature.
- He defended the Indian National Army Officers.
- Indian Press Act – 1910 – revived the worst features of the Vernacular Press Act. It was scrapped in 1921 on the recommendations of Tej Bahadur Sapru Committee. Thus he stood for freedom of press.
- His national spirit was thus deeply filled with deep patriotism.