Discuss the material basis of patriarchy as an ideological system. (UPSC CSE Mains 2022 - Sociology, Paper 2)

  • Patriarchy can be defined as a social system in which men hold primary power and dominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege, and control of the property. Patriarchy is an ideological system that is deeply rooted in the material conditions of society, and it functions to maintain and reinforce the power and privilege of men over women.
  • The material basis of patriarchy can be traced back to the development of agriculture and the emergence of private property ownership. As societies transitioned from nomadic hunter-gatherer groups to settled agricultural communities, the importance of owning and controlling land increased. In many societies, men became the primary landowners, and this ownership was passed down through male inheritance lines. The ownership of land and other forms of property allowed men to accumulate wealth, which in turn gave them greater social and political power.
  • As societies became more complex, systems of hierarchy and domination emerged, and patriarchy became institutionalized through laws, customs, and cultural norms. Women were excluded from positions of power and authority and were relegated to subservient roles in the household and in society. The material conditions of a patriarchal society, such as the ownership of property and the concentration of wealth in the hands of men, were used to justify the subordination of women.
  • Patriarchy is also reinforced through the division of labor in society. Women are often assigned domestic and caregiving tasks, which are undervalued and unpaid. This unpaid labor has been essential to the functioning of patriarchal societies, as it allows men to pursue other forms of work and accumulate wealth. The undervaluing of women''s labor has also been used to justify lower wages and limited opportunities for women in the workforce.
  • The ideology of patriarchy serves to justify and reinforce the material conditions of male domination. Patriarchal beliefs and values, such as the idea that men are naturally superior to women and that women are emotional and irrational, are used to justify men''s greater social and political power. Patriarchal beliefs are also used to justify violence against women, such as rape and domestic violence.
  • The material basis of patriarchy is thus rooted in the ownership of property and the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of men. Patriarchy is reinforced through the division of labor and the undervaluing of women''s work, as well as through the ideology of male superiority and the justification of violence against women. To overcome patriarchy, we must challenge these material and ideological structures and work to create a more equitable and just society.

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