Discuss the role of pressure groups in strengthening democracy.(UPSC CSE Mains 2022 - Sociology, Paper 2)

In democratic politics, pressure groups are organisations which attempt to influence tlie government. Pressure groups are organised associations, unions or organisation of people having common interest. Their aim is to seek better conditions for their members through organised efforts. They try to influence the legislature, executive and other decision makers to have decisions made in their favour. They are like a living public behind the parties. Their role is indirect yet effective. Pressure groups and movements help deepen democracy as they justify the right of freedom of expression through following ways.

  • They try to introduce their candidates into the legislature. They help political parties to win an election by preparing manifestos and mobilizing voters.
  • Pressure Groups try to fill high executive posts with men who can fulfill their interest i.e. selection of cabinet and selection of PM in a coalition government, etc. which affects the policy implementation process.
  • Bureaucrats are politically neutral and hence, the pressure groups try to bend them in their manner by putting good remarks on them. Bureaucrats have a long tenure of service and therefore, they oblige to them.
  • Pressure groups play as a vital link between the government and the governed. They keep governments more inclined towards their interest.
  • Pressure groups help in expressing the views and needs of the minority communities who otherwise may remain unheard.
  • Pressure groups provide expertise to the government with various information which might be applicable to issues such as indigenous reconciliation.
  • Pressure groups promote opportunities for political participation without joining a political party.

Although these pressure groups can turn violent sometimes, it is the duty of the government to cater to their needs and solve the crisis amicably without disrupting the interests of any group.


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