Do you think that ‘demonetization’ has accelerated the economic growth in India? How do you understand the informalization of labour, underemployment and gender discrimination in this context?. (UPSC CSE Mains 2019 - Sociology, Paper 2)

Merits-Demonetization Favoured India’s Economic Growth 

  • Demonetization policy of the Government has been termed as the greatest financial reform that aimed to curb the black money, corruption and counterfeit currency notes.
  • All the people who are not involved in malpractices welcomed the demonetization as the right move.
  • Demonetization was done to help India to become corruption-free as it will be difficult now to keep the unaccounted cash.
  • Demonetization will help the government to track the black money and the unaccounted cash will now flow no more and the amount collected by means of tax can be better utilized for the public welfare and development schemes.
  • One of the biggest achievements of demonetization has been seen in the drastic curb of terrorist activities as it has stopped the funding the terrorism which used to get a boost due to inflow of unaccounted cash and fake currency in large volume.
  • Money laundering will eventually come to halt as the activity can easily be tracked and the money can be seized by the authorities.
  • Demonetization aimed to stop the running of parallel economy due to circulation of fake currency as the banning of Rs.500 and Rs. 1000 notes will eliminate their circulation.
  • The unaccounted cash could be deposited in the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana after paying 50% tax. The money will remain deposited for 4 years with the bank without incurring any interest. However, after 4 years the amount will be returned. This amount can be utilized for social welfare schemes and making the life of low income groups better.
  • The Public Sector Banks which were reeling under deposit crunch and were running short of funds have suddenly swelled with lot of money which can be used for future finances and loans after keeping a certain amount of reserve as per RBI guidelines.
  • The people who opened the Jan Dhan accounts will now use their accounts and become familiar with banking activitiy. The money deposited in these accounts can be used for the developmental activity of the country.
  • The tax collected due to launch of demonetization policy will be put to developmental activities in the country.
  • Demonetization has driven the country towards a cashless society. Lakhs of the people even in remote rural areas have started resorting to use the cashless transactions. The move has promoted banking activities. Now even the small transactions have started going through banking channels and the small savings have turned into a huge national asset.
  • The high rising price pattern and inflationary trends which the Indian economy was facing are taking a down turn making the living possible within low-income group reach.

Demerits-Blow to economic growth and inconvenience all around
The very next day of announcing the demonetization, the BSE Sensex and NIFTY 50 stock indices fell over 6%. The severe cash shortages brought detrimental impact on the economy. People trying to exchange their bank notes had to stand in lengthy queues causing many deaths due to inconvenience and rush.

  • The sudden announcement has made adverse impact on business and economy. Instead of a growing economy India has become a standstill and no growth economy. It is fearedthat a fall of 2-3% in the GDP growth will be recorded coming year.
  • India is an agriculture-based economy. Due to the cash crunch, the farmers especially small and marginal who largely depend on cash to buy seeds, fertilizers and to pay for sowing, borrowing water for irrigation and for other related agriculture equipments remained worst affected and could not complete the crop related activity.
  • Since small branches of the banks were also not supplied with adequate cash within time of sowing season of the crop, farmers could not get their crop loans disbursed. This added to the woes of the farmers leading to a weak agriculture production the coming year.
  • Real Estate sector came to a stand still and is still gasping for buyers of the constructed and half constructed inventory without buyers. This has resulted in poor cash flow leading to a poor demand.
  • Demonetization has made the situation become chaotic. Tempers are running high among the masses as there is a delay in the circulation of new currency.
  • Due to the inability to pay cash to poor daily wage workers, the small employers have stopped their business activity.
  • The poor planning on the part of the government has also added to the woes of the common people with low incomes. The Rs.2000 currency note does not find many takers as it is difficult to get the balance back when you are buying daily needs like vegetables, milk, bread or paying for petty expenses like bus fare. While rs.100 currency notes were not available in sufficient number, Rs.500 note arrived in the market very late.
  • Demonetization is the 2 way sword in regard to incurring the public expenditure. On the one hand huge cost is to be incurred on printing the new currency and on the other hand managing the lakhs of crores of old currency volume has also become a big expenditure incurring item.
  • Many Economists are of the view that Rs.2000 currency note will be much easier to hide and can be used to store black money in shorter space.
  • Entire opposition has stood against demonetization and has called this decision a draconian law.

Demonetization and Its Impact on Employment in India

  • Implications of ‘demonetization’, its impact on employment is important, particularly in a situation when majority of wage payments are made in cash form.
  • Informal employment, which constitute as high as 95 percent of all employment is backed with no (or least) social security such as health, education or provident fund benefits.
  • Workers are subject to be fired (or lay-off) at any point of time during the production (or distribution) process. Since majority of wage payment is made in cash form; they are thus the ones to face misery caused by the recent announcement of ‘demonetization
  • Financial Express, an estimated 4 lakh workers, largely belonging to this segment were affected by the decision.
  • According to a Report by ASI (2010-11), roughly a fifth of the almost 32 million people employed in the textile and garment sector, are daily wage earners. Hence, any policy change impacting decline in output growth makes these people be affected more.
  • Further, according to NCEUS, 2009 Report, since majority of people (78.7 percent) belonging to informal sector are poor, or constituting 90 percent of casual workers and 75 percent of self-employed people. So, these are the ones who bear the major burnt of the decision of ‘demonetization’.

Demonetization and gender discriminations

  • Demonetization also majorly hits employment prospects of women in the informal sector that accounts for nearly 45 per cent of India’s GDP, but provides almost 80 per cent of employment.
  • Another section of Indian population facing tremendous hardships due to demonetisation are the third gender, but their travails have largely been ignored. The main source of income for the transgenders is toli-badhai, i.e. getting money from households celebrating functions like weddings and childbirth. Etc.
  • Lack of easy access to banks, especially in the rural areas; and lack of banking literacy, ie, awareness and unfamiliarity with banking procedures will increase dependence on male members of the family that will eventually lead to lack of control on paltry financial resources for a large number of women.

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