Examine the role of 'parliamentary diplomacy' in India's foreign policy. (UPSC CSE Mains 2019 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 2).

  • Parliament is the custodian of public conscience in India. It not only acts as the fountainhead out of which the government gets its shape but also remains the pivot of ensuring accountability of the government throughout its existence. So, whatever the government decides to do or not to do, it has to take approval of parliament. That way, most, if not all, of the decisions relating to the foreign policy of the country is placed before the two houses of parliament for their consideration and approval. Generally, parliament contributes to making of the foreign policy of India in three ways.
  • Firstly, while debating the decisions of government, members of parliament articulate different perspectives on the subject. Apart from advancing arguments in support of the government‘s decisions, members also express their critical appreciation of the policy that help the government get the alternative perspectives to its decisions. Thus, parliamentary debates tend to articulate the wider range of public opinion on a given policy decision of the government.
  • Secondly, on occasions, parliament also acts to suggest modifications in a particular policy decision of the government. Though such suggestions have very less chance of getting through the house, they, nonetheless, make government aware of feelings of the members on the issue.
  • Finally, when parliament accords its approval to the policy decisions of the government, such decisions become consensual approach of the country towards a given subject and tend to carry much more weight than a policy measure offered without the approval of parliament. Thus, though parliament plays only indirect role in the making of India‘s foreign policy, that role is unquestionably quite eminent.
  • Parliament is the voice of India. It is the highest forum for debating issues of foreign policy in India. Every political party in Parliament presents its pwn perspective on foreign policy issues. The standing Committee on External Affairs of Parliament assists parliament in its tasks.

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