Explain the importance of India's claim for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. (UPSC CSE Mains 2020 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 2).

India and UNSC

  • India has been spearheading decades-long efforts to reform the Security Council, saying a structure set up in 1945 does not reflect contemporary realities of the 21st century and is ill-equipped to handle current challenges.
  • There is widespread support, including by four of the five permanent members of the Security Council – US, UK, France and Russia – for a permanent seat for India at the Council.
  • China, part of the permanent five (P5) of the UNSC with veto power, has been stonewalling India’s efforts to become a member of the UN’s powerful body for years, pointing to lack of consensus even though the other four members have supported New Delhi’s membership. 

India and UNSC Reform

  • Reformed Multilateralism guides India’s approach to the United Nations.
  • India has long sought a permanent seat at the Council.
  • It is also a proponent of other UNSC reforms — such as increasing the number of permanent (currently five) and non-permanent (currently 10) seats and ensuring greater representation for Africa.
  • India is claiming a permanent seat at the UNSC on the basis of following arguments:
    • It’s a regular contributor to the UN’s peace-keeping missions.
    • It’s one of the main financial backers of the UN.
    • It’s the world’s largest democracy.
    • It’s the world’s second most populous country.
    • It maintains one of the largest armies in the world.
    • It is responsible nuclear power despite being non-signatory to NPT.
    • India has been elected eight times to the UN Security Council, most recently from 2021 to 2022 after receiving 184 of 192 votes.
    • As a member of G4:The G4 consists of Germany, Japan, India and Brazil. The G4 mainly seek permanent seats for themselves, but are willing to forego their veto rights for fifteen years or possibly even longer.
    • They also demand that Africa should be represented in both the permanent and non-permanent categories of membership of a reformed and expanded Security Council to correct the historical injustice against this continent.

Impact of India’s Permanent Membership

  • New included members will get to say in the matters of war and peace, effectively UNSC move towards a democratic set up where nations like India can put up their matters more strongly and vehemently with support of their partner nations.
  • India can represent or lead other countries to stop western forces from promoting their vested interests. Invasion of Iraq, bombing of Libya, non-recognition of Palestine state are few examples.
  • Currently, veto power is a unique privilege of the permanent members, in the regional context China can exercise this power in matters of war and peace in its own interest. With India getting veto power it will dilute China’s elite status in Asia and will help India to put forward its interest in a better way.
  • With India’s background of continued support of UN’s peace keeping missions since 1945 India can assert more productively its stand on various international issues.
  • If India becomes a permanent member of UNSC it can shift focus on developing nation’s interest which is the current demand due to visible shift in focus from west to Asia in world dynamics.
  • Thus India will have leverage in geopolitics, military, economic and political groupings and negotiations as permanent member of UNSC.

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