Has the increased participation of the underprivileged in the political process of the developing societies strengthened democracy or created political chaos and conflict? Comment. (UPSC CSE Mains 2020 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 2)

  • Political and public participation is crucial to democratic governance, the rule of law, social inclusion and economic development, and the advancement of all human rights. Participation rights are important in empowering individuals and groups, which is essential to eliminate marginalization and discrimination. These rights are also inseparably linked to other human rights such as the rights to peaceful assembly and association, freedom of opinion and expression and the rights to education and to information.
  • As per a report by the Pew Research Center, the middle east, the home of Arab Spring, has the highest level of political participation amongst all the developing regions. Egypt stands out even in the middle east, with its citizens pouring into streets twice to oust President Hosni Mubarak in 2011 and Mohamed Morsi in 2013.
  • Political participation of the underprivileged is closely linked to the success of inclusive policies of the government and shows an individual’s faith in the state. The belief that one can influence political matters,  also called political efficacy by scholars.
  • The rise in the political participation of the underprivileged shows that democracy has an opportunity for participation in these regions. But it also depends on the frequency of elections, the development of civil society organisations, and the presence of a political environment that permits free expression.
  • Those who are in favour of restricted participation adopt a conservative position and doubt the ability of the average citizen. However, some also express reservations against it since participation provides the authorities with the opportunity to legitimise their decisions.
  • Democracy was very popularly defined by Abraham Lincoln as of, by and for the people. This can be achieved in a true sense when all the section of the society participates in the decision making. After all, democracy is not an end, but a means for a society to achieve its highest potential.

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