Jan 26th, 2022 - CSAT Daily Quiz

1. Jonny has two cycles and a rickshaw. The rickshaw is worth Rs. 96. If he sells the rickshaw along with the first cycle, he has an amount double that of the value of the second cycle. But if he decides to sell the rickshaw along with the second cycle, the amount received would be less than the value of first cycle by Rs. 306. What is the value of the first cycle? (a) Rs. 300 (b) Rs. 600 (c) Rs. 900 (d) Rs. 1200   2. A dishonest dealer professes to sell at CP but uses a 900 gm weight instead of 1 kg weight. Find the percent profit to dealer? (a) 10% (b) 11.11% (c) 12.5% (d) 13.66%   3. A trader purchases apple at Rs. 60 per hundred. He spends 15% on the transportation. What should be the selling price per 100 to earn a profit of 20%? (a) 80.8 (b) 81.8 (c) 82.8 (d) 83.8   4. A makes an article for Rs. 120 and sells it to B at a profit of 25%. B sells it to C who sells it for Rs. 198, making a profit of 10%. What profit percentage did B make? (a) 15% (b) 16.5% (c) 20% (d) 22.5%   5. A reduction of 10% in the price of sugar enables a housewife to buy 6.2 kg more for Rs. 279. Find the reduced price per kilogram? (a) Rs. 4.05 (b) Rs. 4.5 (c) Rs. 5.05 (d) Rs. 5.5   ANSWER’s 1 – (c) 2 – (b) 3 – (c) 4 – (c) 5 – (b)

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