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John Stuart Mill is a 'reluctant democrat”. - C. L. Wayper. (UPSC CSE Mains 2018 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 1)
- 18th century was century of Revolutions and 19th Century was century of consolidation of Capitalism as a socio-economic and political system. There were horrible results of market based capitalist economy and Industrial revolution like extreme exploitation of poor and labour class , 16 working hours, poor wages, child labour . Democracy was developing in its early stages transiting from Monarchy and Autocracy ,
Mill is considered ‘Reluctant Democrat’ by Wayper due to following reasons:-
- Mill refused to accept principle of ‘one person one vote’.
- It seems that he is more Aristocratic than a democrat.
- Mill said that democracy was the best form of government but it is not suitable for each and every society. He said that democracy was unsuitable for Asian and African countries. He recommended rule of ‘benevolent despotism’ in these countries, he believed that people are not civilized enough to adopt democracy, in Asia and Africa.
- By ‘benevolent despotism’ he meant mild or soft despotism which means rulers should not be barbaric towards his subjects.
- He justified Rudyard Kipling’s notion of ‘Whiteman’s burden’. It appears that democracy should be adopted according to social development. Democracy is suitable for Europe because society is more developed in Europe. However Asian societies are less developed. Thus unfit for democratic form of government. Mill was influenced by ideas of Auguste Comte. He said there are three stage of development of society.
Mill was a democratic according to 19th century’s parameters of democracy he appears to be reluctant democrat according to 21st century principles of democracy. Nevertheless, his opinion about liberty and freedom of speech and expression are still relevant today.