“Every work has got to pass through hundreds of difficulties before succeeding. Those that persevere will see the light, sooner or later.” – Swami Vivekananda. (UPSC Mains-2021 GS Paper 4)

Swami Vivekananda’s teachings made sure that there is enough attention paid on to the upliftment of humanity and also the pan whole world in equal terms. Ethics for him is nothing but a code of conduct that helps a man to be a good citizen of the world. As he always emphasised a man to be a human first that garners respect to and for all.

Morality in both individual life and social life is mostly based on fear of societal censure. Based on purity of oneself and actions. He preached tolerance and peace for humankind.

He always believed that a person is capable of achieving all feats provide that he tries and tries till the goal is not achieved as human alone has all the rationality and the scientific temper that makes him different. This ability alone will guide the person to rise against all the injustices meted against him and the ability is in not to lose hope and have patience to innovate and trust in the abilities that one has.  A person must be fearless to achieve personal or professional goals. The necessity is the development of character through education. For him, education was a way to build one’s character, intellect, strength, etc.

A decision that requires the grit and ability to succeed also requires a lot of patience that test one’s nerves anything good or permanent that has to happen, happens slowly but that is evolutionary. No one thought with the advent of the space technology from the very basics would ever be able to bring laurels when India was able to successfully send the mission to Mars. It was patience, perseverance that the country showcased and to most importantly do things that we are exceptionally good at that is try. We tried and reached where only few were able to.

Perseverance in the face of challenges indicates leadership qualities. Individuals who demonstrate perseverance are more likely to succeed in life, especially professional life. Perseverance is a sign of stepping outside your comfort zone and staying focused on your efforts. Hence Every work with its hundreds of difficulties will succeed if approached with perseverance.

Example: Krishna Gopal Tiwari, IAS - The first visually challenged collector of the country, Krishna Gopal Tiwari does not let his visual disability become a barrier and often visit construction sites to test the progress of the work with an iron rod.

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