Machiavelli's secularism

  • The renaissance was non-Salvationist; where the authority of God was replaced by the authority of science and human rationale. More importantly, it also signified the emergence of modern state based on the ideas of secularism and nationalism. In its secular notion it signified the separation between religion and politics, and the independence of the State from the control of the Church. This marked the beginning of a new era in human history.
  • Before Machiavelli medieval political philosophers believed that the religion was the basis of the state. But Machiavelli emancipated the state completely from the control of the church. He denied medieval philosophy of religion. He repudiates the theory of Aquinas that man needs the guidance of the divine law. Machiavelli said that only end which man can place before himself is the pursuit of his wellbeing in his material values in life. He did not view them as having a moral end and purpose but gave importance to man’s worldly life. He believed that politics is an independent activity with its own principles and laws. Moral and religions considerations cannot bind the prince, state is above and outside the religion.
  • Machiavelli does not ignore religion and morality. In the opening chapter of the „Discourses‟ he says princes who want to maintain themselves respect all religions preserve the purity of all religions.
  • He said religion is useful only as an organ of the state. He gave only an instrumental value to religion. He advised the ruler that religion play important role in the life of a community. According to him religion is necessary for unity and integrity of the people within the state. Common religion creates a sense of unity among people. Religious rites, beliefs establish social harmony. It also cultivates civic sense and patriotic spirit. Decline of respect for religion among the people is a sign of ruin for the state.
  • He said religion cannot influence politics and the church cannot control the state. In fact, the sovereign state enjoys absolute power over all individuals and institutions. As such the church is subordinate to the state. Thus, Machiavelli separated religion from politics and paved way for emergence of the secular state. He was not against the religion and morality. He only proposes two different standards of morality and placed the sate above morality and religion. According to Machiavelli state is the highest form of social organisation and the most necessary of all institutions. It stands on a wholly different footing and must therefore be judged by different standards. He said politics is an independent activity with its own principles and laws. State is non-religious and secular. It has its own rules of conduct to follow.  

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