Trace the changing nature of organisation of work in capitalist society over the years. (UPSC CSE Mains 2017 - Sociology, Paper 1)

Today is what we will call Knowledge Economy we are gradually leading to a new type of society no longer based on primarily on industrialism that is the age of beyond industrialism a phase of development which is coined in a number of ways to describe this new social order such as post industrial society, the information age and the Knowledge Economy is however more common.

People earn their living by providing service, judgment information and analysis whether in telephone call center, office a government department or a scientific laboratory. This is in sharp contrast to the industrial job which involved physical labour and produced clear tangible result. But today a person is a knowledge work his work is a consultant is focused with the application of information. It is Knowledge processing organization.

Knowledge bused industries are understand broadly to include high technology education, training & research and development and the financial investment sector, government is investing in public education spending on software development, and research and development.

Over the last three decades flexible practices have been introduced in a number of fields including product development, production techniques, management style the working envoirment. the employee involvement and marketing. This is post industrial stages or the second industrial stages divide classic in which flexibility and innovation are maximized in order to meet market demand for diverse customize products. The idea of flexible production or flexible specialization is the small farms of highly skilled workers are innovative production technique and new forms of technology. To produce smaller quantities of goods that are more individualized than the mass produced one. Change in design options and feature to be introduced more frequently. This allows companies to diversify their product line in order to meet these needs.

  1. Group Production: This is similar to team work like when workers work as a team work members, meet and resolve production problem for example equality cycle group.
  2. Multiskilling: New forms of work allow employers to increase the breadth of their skills by engaging in a variety tasks, rather than performing and specific task and over again. Group Production and team work ore seen as promoting a ―Multiskilled‖ work force capable of carrying out a broader set of responsibilities. Thus in terms turn leads to higher productivity and better quality goods and services, employees who are able to contribute to job in multiple ways will be more successful in solving problems and carrying up with feature approaches.
  3. Women and Work : Until recently paid work in western countries was predominantly the sphere of men. Today more and more women have mould into labour force between 35 - 60% of women aged between 16-60 in most European countries hold paid job outside that home. There are many reason why the gap in Economic activity has rates between men and woman have been closing in recent decades.

1] There have been changes in the scope and nature of the tasks that have automatically traditionally been associated with women and the domestic sphere‘, child birth has been declined furthers mechanization of many domestic tasks has also help to cuts down the amount of time that needs to be spent to maintain the home.

2] Economic Pressure on house hold including arise in make unemployment have led more women to seek paid work. Finally it is important to note that many desires women have to chosen to entry the labour market out of a desire for personal fulfillment and in response to drive for equality propelled forward by the women movement of 1960‘s and 1970s. But it has been full filled observed that women always face inequality while the work place. They are not only paid less but also given the job while less skilled and do not pose much challenges such jobs are called femine jobs. Occupational gender seqregations refers to the fact that men and women are concentrated in different types of jobs based on prevailing understanding of what appropriate male or female work.

Work is also and occupational or the concept of occupation is different from that "work" in the sense that occupation always gives something return. So an `Occupation‘ Is a job done in exchanges of a regular wage or salary in any industrial organization. In all societies work is the basic of economy. Without work, there is no production.

In the light of the impact of the global economy and the demand for a flexible labour force, some sociologist and economist have argued that more people in the future will become portfolio workers. They will have "skill port – folio" – a number of different job skill and credentials which they will use to move between several jobs during the course of their working lives. Only a relatively small proportion of workers will have continuous "careers" in the current sense.

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