What is light pollution? What is its impact?.

Light pollution is the presence of excessive, obstructive or misdirected light that is generated through artificial mechanism such as bulbs. Light pollution has become a menace in recent times as it has created problems for both humans as well as environment.

Effects on humans

  • Sleep disorder
    Excessive light can cause disturbance to normal sleep cycle. This will affect health and work in a negative way as it will cause reduction of human capabilities.

    Ex: People cannot concentrate on work due to lack of sleep.
  • Eye disorders
    Exposure to light continuously will affect visibility. The eye receptor cells will start degenerating causing eye sight loss for people. This will put additional financial burden.
  • Mental disturbances
    Excessive exposure to artificial light is expected to create mental disturbances through triggering of brain cells. This will cause mental problems to people.

    Ex: Schizophrenia due to over exposure to light.
  • Affects research
    Human research on astronomy and space will be affected. Normal citizens cannot study night sky due to artificial lighting in the sky. It is big challenge to overcome.

Effects on ecosystem

  • Affects mating cycle
    Some organisms are nocturnal. They thrive and increase their presence only during dark. Their mating cycle is usually based on light. Artificial light will affect their existence.
  • Affects preying
    Birds of prey such as owls and mammals such as bats rely on nocturnal hunting of organisms that come out after dark. Due to artificial light, these organisms will not come out, affecting preying.
  • Temperature increase
    Artificial light through high intensity causes temperature rise in areas where there is already high temperature. This will cause further existential problems for residents including plants and animals.

Road ahead

  • Making guidelines regarding the luminosity of lights that can be used after dark.
  • Preventing bright and intensive lights in stretches where there is presence of nocturnal animals or birds.

Thus, light pollution is an emergent form of pollution that has been as result of rapid urbanisation and population explosion. There is a need to control them before it is too late.

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