What is liquid nano urea?

Liquid Nano Urea( LNU)

  1. Urea is a chemical nitrogen fertiliser, white in colour, which artificially offers nitrogen, a prime nutrient required for plants. 
  2. LNU is basically urea in the state of a nanoparticle. 
  3. It is sprayed directly at the leaves and gets absorbed by the plant. 
  4. Fertilisers in nano state offer a targeted supply of nutrients to crops, as they''re absorbed through the stomata, pores located at the epidermis of leaves. 
  5. According to IFFCO, liquid nano urea consists of four per cent overall nitrogen (w/v) uniformly dispersed in water. 
  6. The size of a nano nitrogen particle varies from 20-50 nm. (A nanometre is equivalent to a billionth of a metre.)

Significance of LNU

  1. This patented product is predicted not only as an alternative to imported urea, however to also produce higher results in farms. 
  2. Apart from decreasing the country’s subsidy bill, it is aimed toward decreasing the unbalanced and indiscriminate use of traditional urea. 
  3. It will assist in growth of crop productivity, and decrease soil, water, and air pollution. 
  4. The liquid nano urea produced by Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative (IFFCO) Limited is available in a half-litre bottle priced at Rs 240, and includes no burden of subsidy currently. 
  5. By contrast, a farmer will pay around Rs 300 for a 50-kg bag of heavily subsidised urea. 
  6. According to IFFCO, a bottle of nano urea can efficiently replace at least one bag of urea.

Efficiency of LNU

  1.  While traditional urea has an efficiency of about 25 per cent, the efficiency of liquid nano urea can be as excessive as 85-90 per cent. 
  2. Conventional urea fails to have the favoured effect on vegetation as it''s far regularly implemented incorrectly, and the nitrogen in it is vaporised or released as a gas.
  3. A lot of nitrogen is also washed away at the time of irrigation. 
  4. Liquid nano urea has a shelf life of a year, and farmers need not be concerned about “caking” while it comes in contact with moisture.
  • LNU is ready to revolutionise farming with its high efficiency and minimal environmental effect.
  • LNU will also significantly bring down the cost of logistics and warehousing as well as it will be effective in increasing farmers'' income.

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