Write a note on Education and equality in India. (UPSC CSE Mains 2017 - Sociology, Paper 2)

“Equality is the provision of equal treatment, access, and opportunity to resources and opportunities. Essentially, everyone gets the same thing, regardless of where they come from or what needs they might have.”

In educational institutions, equality is often related to access and outcomes. Equality ensures that every student has equal access to a high-quality education regardless of their social background. It also ensures that all students are accountable to the same standards and objectives without taking into account their circumstances, abilities, or experiences.


  • Differences in household economic and financial status
  • Disparities between men and women
  • Inequality in the region
  • Physiological distinction
  • Differences in living situations
  • Non-availability of adequate opportunities
  • Differences between backward and advanced classes
  • Low self-concept of parents
  • Lack of motivation towards education

There is a great need of equal educational opportunities as it matter a lot due to following reasons:

  • It is required for the formation of a equitable society
  • Equality in education matters because it ensured providing education to all citizens in a democracy
  • Equal educational possibilities will ensure a nation’s quick growth
  • Equal educational opportunities will broaden the search for talent among all citizens of a country
  • It will aid in the development of a close link between a society’s manpower requirements and the availability of skilled workers
  • For economic mobility, educational equity is required. Without it, the economy will suffer from a disparity in achievement between social groups
  • Equality in education matters in promoting social justice

The manifestations and the causes of the unequal education system in India are known and understood. Concrete changes in legislative provisions, steps towards sensitization and training of teachers, actions to enhance government implementation, monitoring and enforcement capacities (particularly in the middle levels of the education machinery) and enhanced financing to education are some of the steps needing to be taken to address equity in education. There is the overarching need to change popular perceptions, the need to win over the hearts and minds of citizens, parents and policymakers alike to the idea that educational inequality is unacceptable and equity is possible.  Global and domestic best practice exist highlighting some of the critical building blocks that contribute to creating truly inclusive education.

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