Comment on the factors behind the changing status of women in urban India. (UPSC CSE Mains 2016 - Sociology, Paper 2).

The status of women in urban India has been evolving over the years due to various social, economic, and cultural factors. Urbanization and increasing awareness about gender equality have played a significant role in reshaping traditional gender roles and empowering women. Understanding the factors behind these changes is crucial to comprehend the ongoing transformation in the status of women.

Factors Behind the Changing Status of Women in Urban India:

  1. Education and Awareness:
    • Increased Educational Opportunities:Access to education has improved, enabling more women to pursue higher education and gain knowledge, leading to awareness about their rights and capabilities.
    • Awareness Campaigns:Various awareness campaigns and initiatives have enlightened women about their potential, empowering them to challenge traditional gender norms.
  2. Economic Independence:
    • Rising Employment Opportunities:Urban areas offer a broader range of employment opportunities for women across various sectors, contributing to their financial independence.
    • Entrepreneurship:Women are increasingly venturing into entrepreneurship and starting their businesses, gaining economic self-sufficiency and status.
  3. Legal Reforms:
    • Legislation for Women''s Rights:Laws and regulations, such as the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act and the Maternity Benefit Act, have been enacted to protect women''s rights and enhance their status in society.
  4. Social Changes and Attitude Shifts:
    • Changing Social Norms:Society is gradually accepting more progressive attitudes towards women, challenging traditional gender roles and stereotypes.
    • Role of Media:The portrayal of empowered women in the media is reshaping societal perceptions and encouraging women to aspire for more.
  5. Access to Healthcare:
    • Improving Healthcare Services:Enhanced healthcare facilities and awareness about health issues are contributing to the overall well-being of women, enabling them to actively participate in society.


  1. Education and Women''s Empowerment:
    • Women like Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, the founder of Biocon, and Chanda Kochhar, the former CEO of ICICI Bank, are prominent examples of educated, empowered women who have made significant contributions to their respective fields.
  2. Women in Sports:
    • The success of Indian female athletes like P.V. Sindhu, Mary Kom, and Hima Das has demonstrated the growing empowerment and recognition of women in traditionally male-dominated arenas.

The changing status of women in urban India is a result of a multifaceted interplay of factors like education, economic independence, legal reforms, social changes, and improved healthcare. This transformation is reshaping gender dynamics, fostering an environment where women can achieve their potential and contribute meaningfully to society. Continued efforts in the realms of education, economic opportunities, and societal attitudes are essential to further enhance the status and empowerment of women in urban India.

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