Critically analyse the environmentalist movement in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu. (UPSC CSE Mains 2018 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 1)

The copper unit in Tuticorin has the capacity to produce 400,000 tonnes of copper cathode a year. It is run by Vedanta’s Sterlite Copper unit, controlled by Vedanta Limited. The company plans to double its production, Residents have been protesting for the immediate closure of the unit since February this year. They allege that the pollution generated by the unit has contaminated the water bodies in the region, claiming that they are facing severe health problems.

Issues with the plant

  1. The fact that copper smelters are among the worst polluting industries, that emit a number of toxic and corrosive chemicals,
  2. Despite a series of objections, closures and reprimands from various quarters—including an Rs 100 crore penalty imposed by the Supreme Court for polluting the environment—it remained operational.
  3. The audacity of the company to go ahead with its capacity-doubling plan, when there are serious charges and there is an ongoing agitation, indicates the level of possible support from various agencies, including the Centre and politicians. Apparently, there were a number of alleged procedural and jurisdictional manipulations done to obtain clearance for the expansion.

Other issues regarding managing the protest

  1. Crowd management was not proper firing from sniper at crowd was last done at time of Jalianwala Bagh massacre
  2. Country has already witnessed Bhopal gas tragedy then also giving permission for copper Sterlite is against human rights

Measures to protect ecosystem and protest are as following

  1. Robust Training require to police administration to handle the crowd properly
  2. Monitoring of environment institution working or not
  3. Mechanism should be develop to give environment justice and proper environment impact assessment require

Technological integrated solution should be develop like use of renewable energy and substitute of copper in industries where it is used heavily. Court also should develop some mechanism so that they cannot come into the trap of industry politician nexus.

The Tuticorin movement brought attention to the environmental concerns associated with industrial activities in the region. It highlighted the need for stricter regulations, improved enforcement mechanisms, and the importance of public participation in decision-making processes.

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