Discuss in brief about Cluster Sampling in Sociological Research. How is Cluster Sampling different from Stratified Sampling? (20 Marks)

  • As simple random sampling and stratified random sampling-cause heavy expenses due to the coverage of large and sparsely dispersed population and since the elements chosen in sample may lack uniformity, the total area of interest which happens to be large one, it may be conveniently divided into a number of smaller non-overlapping areas and thereafter a number of these small areas, usually called cluster, maybe chosen with the ultimate sample consisting of all the units in these small areas of cluster. These clusters may be household, city wards, or various social units. However, simple random sampling methods are used to make the sampling of clusters from the universe ; then from these selected clusters the constituent elements are drawn on the basis of random sampling, e.g. if a social scientist desires to conduct a sample study of the problems of the aged in villages of a district, he may proceed as follows :-

1. The researcher enlists all the villages within the district and selects a sample through the procedure ensuring random method.

2. For each of the villages included in the sample, he makes a list of aged persons under its jurisdiction, above a particular age.

3. For each of the villages he selects a sample of desired size on the basis of simple random sampling.

  • In this way the researcher sets probability of random sampling of elements which are consistent either to a lesser or greater extent. Thus the researcher becomes capable of avoiding enormous expenses which would have been incurred in course of simple random sampling procedure.
  • When the researchers researcher resorts to sub sampling within the clusters it is called Multi-stage sampling because the sampling technique is carried out in various stages, progressively from more inclusive to less inclusive sampling units until he obtains his desired sample. Thus it is a further development of the principle of cluster sampling. It is more flexible than any other methods of sampling.
  • Although the cluster sampling reduces cost by confining survey to selected clusters, it certainly is less precise than random sampling. Relatively speaking, the marginal error is much greater in cluster sampling. Nevertheless, it is only used because of the economic advantage and due to the fact that estimates based on cluster sample happen to be more reliable per unit cost.

cluster sampling and stratified sampling difference

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