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Does the institution of marriage continue to be sacred in Indian society? Comment. (UPSC CSE Mains 2020 - Sociology, Paper 1)
- According to Horton and Hunt, “Marriage is the approved social pattern, whereby two or more persons establish a family”.
- Family and marriage are considered to be the most basic and fundamental institutions in the subsystems of the society.
- Family norms are undergoing certain changes in contemporary times and so is the case with marriages. Weiten observed the following threats to the institution of marriage
- Increasing acceptability of singlehood
- Increasing popularity of cohabitation
- Increasing rate of divorce.
- Along with these new forms like live-in relationships, contractual marriage etc are on rise.
- Many reasons for the rise of alternatives to marriage are discussed, out which few are mentioned below:
- Values attached to the institution of marriage have changed. Earlier marriage was considered a sacred institution and was mandatory for everyone, today, has given way to marriage being reduced to choose.
- Further, with the spread of rational education, globalisation and industrialization, people have become broader minded which further weakened the institution. This has also led to reduction of backing to marriage by religion.
- Women''s voice came to be heard due the rise of feminist movement. The violence which women suffered and the strains in the institution of marriage were known to everyone. This reduced the desirability of marriage among Youth gradually started getting aloof from marriages.
- The rise of individualism has led to an increase in conflict between couples.
- With the concept of equality gaining its ground, both partners have gained more aspirations, which further increases conflicts. The husband’s former role as leader, provider and protector is rapidly diminishing.
- Weakening of affinal bond; Husbands and wives may share a home, but not their lives. This is leading to a strained relationship between the partners.
- Reduction in stigma for divorce, has in return led to a high rate of divorce. This has led to reduction in stability of marriage, which was an important factor for people marrying.
Though marriage as an institution has weakened due to certain factors, the argument that it is disintegrating is not true. Jennifer Somerville argues that changes in the institution of marriage have been exaggerated. Marriage as an institution has been affected to a limit as a result of its alternatives, but it cannot be said to be disintegrating.