Elucidate the developments in science and technology in ancient India.


  • Arya Bhatta’s Aryabhattiya is concise text containing 121 verses. Explained Sonar and Lunar eclipse.
  • Varahamihira in Panch Siddhantika gives the summary of five schools of astronomy present in his time


  • The town planning of Harappa shows that the people possessed a good knowledge of measurement and geometry. By third century AD mathematics developed as a separate stream of study. Indian mathematics is supposed to have originated from the Sulvasutras.
  • Apastamba in second century BC, introduced practical geometry involving acute angle, obtuse angle and right angle. This knowledge helped in the construction of fire altars where the kings offered sacrifices
  • The three main contributions in the field of mathematics were the notation system, the decimal system and the use of zero
  • Brahmagupta’s Brahmasputa Siddhanta is the very first book that mentioned ‘zero’ as a number, hence, Brahmagupta is considered as the man who found zero
  • Aryabhatta discovered algebra and also formulated the area of a triangle, which led to the origin of Trignometry.
  • Brahmagupta the great 7th century mathematician has given a description of negative numbers as debts and positive numbers as fortunes, which shows that ancient Bharatiyas knew the utility of mathematics for practical trade.


  • Diseases, cure and medicines were mentioned for the first time in the Atharva Veda.
  • Takshila and Varanasi emerged as centres of medicine and learning.
  • The two important texts in this field are Charaksamhita by Charak and Sushrutsamhita by Sushruta.
  • Sushruta was a pioneer of this surgery.The surgeons in ancient India were familiar with plastic surgery (repair of noses, ears and lips).


  • The glazed potteries and bronze and copper artefacts found in the Indus valley excavations point towards a highly developed metallurgy.
  • The vedic people were aware of fermenting grain and fruits, tanning leather and the process of dyeing.
  • The iron pillar in the Qutub Minar complex is indicative of the high quality of alloying that was being done.
  • Textile dyeing was popular. The Ajanta frescoes reflect on the quality of colour. These paintings have survived till date.


  • Lothal, a site in Gujarat has the remains of a dockyard proving that trade flourished in those days by sea.
  • In the early medieval period with the development of the concept of tirtha and tirtha yatra, a vast mass of geographical information was accumulated.
  • They were finally compiled as parts of Puranas. In many cases separate sthala purana was also compiled.

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