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Examine the conception of the State in the ideologies of Fascism and Marxism. (UPSC CSE Mains 2014- Political Science and International Relations, Paper 1)
The conception of state in the ideologies of Fascism and Marxism not only differs but differs significantly. Both have views about state poles apart.
Fascism draws its inspiration from Hegel and therefore considers state as a virtue. Fascism considers state as march of god on earth. Fascism believes in the supremacy of the state. Mussolini used to say, " nothing outside the state, nothing above the state and against the state". Fascist state denies rights and liberties to the people and emphasizes on duties and discipline. The economic system of fascism is dominated by autarky meaning self sufficiency. Another concept associated with fascism is CORPORATE STATE state as a negotiator between capitalists and workers.
Marxism does not consider state as march of god earth rather considers state as an instrument of exploitation. State as an instrument of the dominant class. In the words of Karl Marx " state is an executive committee of the bourgeoisie". Lenin believes that the continuation of state itself indicates the existence of classes and class conflict and struggle. Marxism believes that the workers cannot and should not expect justice from the state. They should prepare themesleves for revolution, for violent overthrow of state and establish a stateless society which Marx calls as Communism - a perfect stage and end of history. Communism the final stage, according to Marxists, is characterized by need based society and perfect freedom and perfect equality.
It is to be noted that scholars like Karl popper have compared fascist regime in Germany, Italy with that of communist Russia and called them as totalitarian regimes while other scholars like Laski calls fascism as last desperate attempt of capitalism to protect itself.