Explain Leela Dube’s concept of “Seed and Earth”. (UPSC CSE Mains 2022 - Sociology, Paper 2)

  • Leela Dube was an Indian anthropologist who developed the concept of "Seed and Earth" to understand the complex interplay between biological and cultural factors in shaping gender roles and relationships in society.
  • According to Dube, the "Seed" represents the biological and physiological differences between men and women, such as reproductive capabilities, physical strength, and hormonal makeup. These differences create a natural division of labor between men and women, with men typically engaging in activities that require physical strength and women in those that are related to reproduction and childcare.
  • However, Dube argues that the "Seed" alone cannot fully explain gender roles and relationships in society. The "Earth" represents the cultural and social norms and values that shape gender roles and relationships. These norms and values are learned through socialization processes and vary across different societies and cultures.
  • For example, while the biological differences between men and women may lead to women being the primary caregivers in many societies, the extent to which men participate in childcare and domestic work can vary depending on cultural and social norms. In some societies, men may be actively involved in childcare, while in others, they may be expected to provide for the family but not participate in domestic work.
  • Dube''s concept of "Seed and Earth" highlights the importance of both biology and culture in shaping gender roles and relationships in society. It also underscores the need to examine the intersectionality of various factors such as class, race, and religion in understanding gender inequalities.


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