How do you account for the increasing significance of religion in public and personal spheres in the context of secularization thesis in India? Explain. (UPSC CSE Mains 2023 - Sociology, Paper 2)

  • The secularization defined as decline in the influence of religion in modern societies. In India, the concept of secularism has evolved in a unique manner, reflecting the country’s diverse religious landscape and historical context.
  • The Indian model of secularism is distinct from the separation-model secularism and is characterized by the state’s engagement with religion, as well as the accommodation of diverse religious communities within the public sphere. This approach acknowledges the significance of religion in the lives of most Indians and seeks to create a framework for the coexistence of various faiths within the public domain.

Reasons for increasing religion in public and private sphere

  1. Persistence of Religious Practices:Despite modernization and economic development, religious practices remain deeply ingrained in the daily lives of individuals in India. Rituals, festivals, and religious ceremonies continue to play a significant role, contributing to the public visibility and personal commitment to religious beliefs. These practices often serve as markers of cultural identity and provide a sense of continuity in the face of rapid social changes.
  2. Fundamental right:The Indian Constitution officially embraces secularism, emphasizing equal opportunities and treatment for all faiths. Alongside it provides fundamental right to freedom of speech, conscience, right to propagate and profess religion.  . Hence exercising religion in personal sphere legally rationally protected social action.
  3. Urbanisation: – In India there is a rise in urbanisation In urban areas people are away from kinship ties. They lack the collective solidaritygroup, identity and close and intimate relationships. Religious cult provides all these benefits. They develop a group identity through a similar belief system, collective solidarity and intimacy through communal prayers, feasting or group dance.
  4. Alienation: – the rise in tertiary sector in India , the personality market has developed , which causes alienation . Karl Marxpropounded that repetitiveness and lack of creativity in the modern industrial system alienate individuals from self. Marx propounded that these alienated peoples seek refuse in religion, which develop false consciousness of solidarity and peacefulness
  5. Globalisation: – Globalization has facilitated the spread of religious ideas and practices, leading to the emergence of transnational religious movements.The interconnectedness of the world has allowed for the dissemination of religious ideologies, contributing to the revitalization of religious identities both at the individual and collective levels.
  6. Reaction to Modernization:Paradoxically, the process of modernization itself has triggered a reaction that reinforces the importance of religion. As societies undergo rapid changes, individuals and communities may turn to religious traditions as a way to anchor themselves in a shifting world. Religion provides a sense of stability and continuity in the face of social, economic, and cultural transformations. For Example: During the tumultuous period in Punjab during the 1970s and 80s, Sikh fundamentalist forces advocated for a return to simplicity, attracting those disillusioned by economic disparities, consumerism, prostitution, and drug abuse. Many sought solace in these teachings, hoping for a peaceful and more spiritually enriched life amidst the prevailing challenges.
  7. Political Instrumentalization:Religion has been instrumentalized by political actors to mobilize support and create alliances. The intersection of religion and politics has led to the amplification of religious issues in the public domain. Policies and narratives that resonate with religious sentiments are often used by political entities to gain popularity and influence, thereby furthering the significance of religion in public discourse.
  8. It is evident that the religion has now increased significance in lives of people, which has both functional and dysfunctional consequences. Hence, to maintain the religion as a positive force providing solidarity, identity and solace and to prevent it from taking shape of communalism or fundamentalism, the following steps can be taken
    • Spread of civic morality and constitutional literacyis very important. Any constitutional state needs to protect the cultural and secular interests of minorities.
    • False propagandaoriented towards minority appeasement fuels untrue sense of alienation and estrangement among the Majority community which results in majoritarian assertion. Religious symbols become a political tool for mobilisation of the public and distract them from real life government failures such as high inflation, unemployment, air pollution etc.
    • The Indian state needs to be fully dedicated towards the secular problem of people. Failure in delivering the basic minimum standardsof life to poor and disadvantaged sections of society leaves the space for Fundamentalist and Puritarian forces.
    • Celebrating the diverse culture of India will lead towards more solidarity and trust between communities. This will eliminate the sense of Insecurity, which is the most fertile breeding ground of Fundamentalism.
    • Punishing hate speech should be the unbiased and objective policy of the Indian state which is religiously neutral. There is a general perception in public that hate speech against minority communities often goes unpunished.

The increasing significance of religion in public and personal spheres in India challenges the simplistic assumptions of the secularization thesis. The interplay of historical, cultural, political, and global factors has created a complex landscape where religion continues to be a potent force in shaping individuals’ lives and influencing public discourse. However Indian model of secularism has been successful in maintaining peace and harmony in country by largess.

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