Liberalism as a revolutionary idea. (UPSC CSE Mains 2020 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 1)

  • Liberalism emerged as a revolutionary idea during the Enlightenment period in Europe, challenging the traditional political and social norms of the time.
  • Liberalism defines the aim of the government which is based on virtuous reasoning that is to ensure that each person living in a nation is provided with right to life, freedom and property. Further, liberals define that a strong and fair political system can be only formed in a country where emphasis is laid on an individual’s wellbeing. It says that a nation which is characterized by powers like monarchy cannot ensure the freedom to its citizen. Thus, there main task is to ensure the autonomy and liberty of an individual living in a nation.
  • During the time of Enlightenment, a new political movement came out in the form of Liberalism. In the area of West, it has taken its growth among the different philosophers and economists. The advocates of Liberalism denied the customs and rituals which were practiced at that time; it also rejected the concept of monarchy in the state and treating King as the divine power. We can track down liberalism to John Locke who was the famous philosopher and political theorist during the 17th century. The book named “The Two Dissertations of Government” by famous philosopher John Locke is treated as the first account or description of liberalism. He asserts that only when citizens of the nation or the people who are governed given their assent, then only any true and legal political authority can be formed. He says that the government’s prime role is to protect the citizens of the nation and their life, liberty and land. It was the idea of Locke to have division in the government where one branch is of executive, other belonging to legislation and the third to rule of law.
  • During the era of various revolutions such as American Revolution, French Revolution and others, some eminent revolutionary chose to take on the philosophy of liberalism as it approaches towards the removal of monarchy and oppressive rule. After the French Revolution, there was the rapid increase in the followers of liberalism. During the 19th century, we can see the establishment of liberal political system in the countries like North and South America, Europe. During this period, conservatism acted as the major opponent on the basis of ideologies before the liberalism but later on, during the time when communism and fascism emerged as new challenge in front of liberalism, it survived it. After 19th century, the liberalism expanded more in the global world as the liberal democracy emerged successful during the time period of both the world wars. During 20th century, liberalism was having its influence in whole world. Social liberalism emerged as the main factor for the better welfare state in North America and Europe.
  • After John Locke, another philosopher named Adam Smith belonging to Scotland in 18th century became famous for his work named “Wealth of Nations”. Through this book we can see the dedication of liberals towards the concept of capitalization and free market. It was said by Smith that to get more economically stable by generating wealth we need to follow the concept of division of labor where there is decentralized work. Everyone has their own job and they work for it for their own benefit. Thus, we can say that there is high possibility of growing wealth in competitive free markets.
  • Liberalism has proved itself as the powerful ideology while shaping the political culture in West part of the world as we can see that in 19th century, America and Europe were nations where liberal ideology had taken its root. Some people do identify liberalism as a civilization developed in West part of the world. By the defeat of feudalism, there was the formation of liberalism which brought rise in market. It showed the goal and objective of the middle class person working in an industry and since then a close linked was form between capitalism and liberalism.
  • Liberals were strong critic of the privileges that were provided to feudal and in place of them they supported government formed with equal representation. During the time of 19th century, the classical liberalism by taking the shape of economic liberalism praised the concept of laissez-faire capitalism where individuals can work in whatever manner they want without any interference from the government. During the late 19th century, there was a shift from economic liberalism towards social liberalism which mostly aimed at the reform in welfare of the people and the intervention in economy. Many theorists like Francis Fukuyama have debated over the final global win of liberalism in the 20th century. This showed the reflection of clear options to market capitalism forming the base for economic organization and political organization formed as the basis to liberal democracy.

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