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Suggest measures to minimize the influence of the resarcher in the process of collecting data through focus group discussion. (UPSC CSE Mains 2022 - Sociology, Paper 1)
A focus group discussion (or FGD) is a qualitative research method in the social sciences, with a particular emphasis and application in the developmental program evaluation sphere. FGDs are a predetermined semi-structured interview led by a skilled moderator. The moderator asks broad questions to elicit responses and generate discussion among the participants. The moderator’s goal is to generate the maximum amount of discussion and opinions within a given time period. As a moderator, it is important to ensure that all participants are comfortable and engaged with the discussion, and that their opinions are being heard. The following techniques are helpful:
- Remain neutral to ensure that everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinion. No nodding or shaking your head, raising eyebrows, agreeing or disagreeing with comments, or praising or denigrating participants.
- Elicit further information from shy participantswith comments like “Can you tell me more about that?”, “Help me understand what you mean”, or “Can you give an example?”
- Deal with dominant participantsby acknowledging their opinion and soliciting other opinions. Sentences like “Thank you. What do other people think?” can be helpful.
- Paraphrase or summarizelong, unclear comments by participants. This shows participants that the moderator is actively listening, and it helps the moderator to ensure he or she has understood the participant’s statement.
- Act spontaneouslyif needed. If the conversation goes in an unexpected, but productive direction, go with it and ask questions that were not on the initial questionnaire. Probe deeper into new topics and ideas, as long as the information being gained is valuable.
The focus group discussion provides a qualitative research approach primarily used in the social sciences. It finds applications in several domains, such as management, marketing, decision-making, and information systems. Its general qualities stand out: group homogeneity, session sequencing, qualitative data collection, and subject emphasis. This research approach may be used alone or with other strategies to enhance a study design.
Shortcomings of Focus Group Discussions
- Since FGD data is qualitative, it cannot necessarily be generalizable to the population. This is because qualitative data is often context specific.
- Facilitators must ensure that their bias is not evident. Otherwise, it will veer the trajectory of the conversation. They must be also be active in ensuring that active participants do not overpower subdued participants during the discussion.