What are the core assumptions of idealism as an approach to study International Relations? Explain its continuing relevance in peace building. (UPSC CSE Mains 2020 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 2)

Idealist approach laid great emphasis on norms, values and thus gave a normative dimension to international politics. Its core assumptions are as below:-

  • Human nature is basically good, therefore, an individual helps one another and do benevolent functions.
  • Basic instinct of individuals to help others makes development possible.
  • Bad human behaviour is the product of bad environment and bad institutions which encourage an individual to do bad things and indulge in wars.
  • Wars represent the worst feature of international relations.
  • Wars are not inevitable and the international arrangements which promote these can be eliminated.
  • War is an international problem and not only national but global effects are needed to end it.
  • International community needed to be restructured to eliminate institutions which promote wars.
  • International institutions which are committed to preserve international peace, international order, international law should be developed for promoting peace, prosperity and development as well as eliminating war, hunger, devastation, tyranny, suppression and such other evils from the international life.
    • Idealism was attacked by realists like E. H. Carr (The Twenty Years’ Crisis). Idealists are considered to be out of touch with reality, putting moral principles before practical or prudential considerations.  Realism may be a good theory for explaining the modern international system, but it emphasizes states’ interests and power instead of ideals like peace.
    • The development of idealism was a result of realism’s ability to explain but failure to prevent wars. Idealism is the theory that states can cooperate in order to satisfy their common interest in peace. Although there are still wars, international law and international organizations have helped to decrease the use of violence in international conflicts and increase states’ emphasis on ideals like health, clean water, and education.As suggested by Hedley Bull, the distinctive characteristic of idealists is their belief in progress: the belief, in particular, that the system of international relations is capable of being transformed into a fundamentally more peaceful and just world order. Idealism can help us tackle the ever-new challenges of the changing world order, the prospect of a new cold war, the rise of xenophobia, ‘cyber-insecurity’ etc. and assist in shaping a better world.

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