What are thermobaric weapons? Why should they be banned? (200 Words, 15)

Vacuum bombs, aerosol bombs or fuel air explosives use oxygen in large amount to create greater devastation. They can be launched as rockets from tank-mounted launchers or dropped from aircraft. Working
  • During the first stage the explosion splits open the fuel container to release fuel and metal particles.
  • During second stage explosion, the aerosol cloud is ignited with fire that sends out intense wave of blast that can destroy strong buildings and vaporize humans.
Necessity for prohibition While cluster munitions are banned by international convention, thermobaric munitions - also known as fuel-air explosive devices, or "vacuum bombs" - are not explicitly prohibited for use against military targets. These devastating devices, which create an oxygen-eating fireball followed by a deadly shockwave, are far more powerful than most other conventional weapons. 
  • Damage public infrastructure These bombs are so intense that they can damage public infrastructure completely in a large area. This includes buildings and civilian establishments.
  • Non-targeted They are not targeted on a particular base or military establishment but rather scattered over a place to ensure indiscriminate killings.
  • Intense damages to environment The intensity of the explosion is so strong that it can destroy a large forested area. The biodiversity of a region is completely reduced to ashes.
Legal basis for use
  • Vaccum bombs use has never been prohibited but their use on civilian population areas such as schools or hospitals can attract sanctions under Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907.
Indiscriminate weapons such as vaccum munitions are prohibited by humanitarian laws. An attack that kills or injures civilians constitutes a war crime.

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