What is cultural Revivalism ? Give some examples from performing arts , language dissemination and arts crafts in recent times. (UPSC CSE Mains 2017 - Sociology, Paper 2)

Cultural revivalism refers to the resurgence, preservation, and promotion of traditional Indian cultural elements that may have experienced a decline or suppression, often due to colonization, modernization, or other socio-political factors

 Some examples of cultural revivalism in India in recent times across various domains:

1. LanguageSchedules 8 of Indian Constitution safeguard various languages and efforts are being done to safeguard Indian heritage language.  Apart from it the recent focus on vernacular language in NATIONAL EDUACTION POLICY also highlights importance of linguistic abilities.

2. Performing Arts:

  • Classical Dance Revival: Various classical Indian dance forms, such as Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Odissi, and Kuchipudi, have experienced a resurgence in popularity, with increased interest both within India and internationally.
  • Traditional Music: Ancient musical traditions like Hindustani and Carnatic music continue to thrive, with musicians working to preserve and promote these art forms.

3. Dissemination:

  • Indian Film and Television: Indian cinema and television have played a significant role in disseminating traditional cultural values, languages, and stories through movies and serialsRecent  movies like Kanatra shows traditional folk and its significance.

4. Arts and Crafts:

  • Handicrafts and Handlooms: Various Indian states have promoted their traditional handicrafts and handloom industries, such as Banarasi silk, Pashmina shawls, and Madhubani painting,to preserve these artisanal skills and provide livelihoods to artisans. The traditional arts and sculptures are given Geographical Indications by government. Hence,  Legal rational authority is safeguarding the little tradition .
  • Tribal Art Forms: Indigenous tribal communities in India have been encouraged to continue their traditional art forms, like Warli painting and Gond art, through workshops and exhibitions. TRIFED is working to promote and revival of the tribal arts. It highlights the balanced approach for solving the problem of integration and autonomy  of tribes. .

5. Festivals and Celebrations:

  • Navratri celebrations in Gujarat, particularly the Garba and Dandiya dance forms, have grown in popularity, attracting participants from various backgrounds.  Such instances show the process of universalization and parochialization process taking place. 

6. Traditional Medicine and Healing Practices:

  • Ayurveda and Yoga: Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine, and yoga have seen a resurgence in interest globally, with many seeking holistic wellness through these traditional practices.

7.Cultural Heritage Conservation:

  • Historical Sites and Monuments: India has undertaken extensive efforts to preserve and restore its historical sites and monuments, such as the restoration of temples, forts, and palaces.

Challenges associated with cultural revivalism

  • Cultural Appropriation: In the process of revival, there is a risk that elements of a culture may be appropriated by outsiders without understanding or respecting their significance. This can lead to the commercialization of cultural practices or the distortion of their meaning.
  • Conservatism and Resistance to Change: Cultural revivalism may sometimes be accompanied by a conservative attitude that resists adaptation to modern contexts or new ideas..
  • Conflict and Competition: In multicultural societies, the revival of one culture’s traditions may sometimes be viewed as a threat by other cultural groups, leading to conflicts or competition for resources and recognition.
  • Globalization and Homogenization: The forces of globalization can erode traditional cultural practices and values. Cultural revivalism may struggle to counter the pervasive influence of global mass media, consumerism, and Westernization.
  • Political and Ideological Manipulation: Cultural revivalism can be manipulated for political or ideological purposes, leading to a distorted representation of culture or the exclusion of certain groups within a culture.
  • Ethnic Nationalism: In some cases, cultural revivalism can be linked to ethnic nationalism, which may lead to exclusionary and divisive practices and conflicts with other groups.

Culture’s definition should evolve through a democratic, generational dialogue, free from romanticized or distorted past narratives. Embracing the contemporary context is vital for progress, ensuring we move forward and not relive history alongside safeguarding our unique cultural traditions.

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