What is UK’s controversial new plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda?

UK became the latest country to sign a pact with Rwanda for deporting asylum seekers to the east African country. Such pacts have been signed by countries including Australia, Israel and Denmark. The policy is often criticized by human rights organizations.

Third country asylum policy

  • In this policy, a country has a pact with third country for transferring illegal migrants. The third country is usually poor.
  • People illegally entering the target country would be given option of either being deported to their origin country or the third asylum country.
  • The third country will be suitably reimbursed for hosting asylum seekers and ensuring that illegal migration is curtailed.

Role in reducing illegal trafficking

  • Fear in migrants
    Migrants fear that they may be deported to a third country, which is not suitable for migration. This fear will prevent them from undertaking dangerous journey.
  • Reduce burden in society
    Social burden in developed countries will reduce. Illegal migrants are usually involved in criminal activities like murders, robbery etc that affects social order.

Concerns with third country asylum policy

  • Violation of human rights
    Forcefully sending asylum seekers to a country which has low human rights record puts life of migrants at risk. This will violate many international rules.
  • Financial burden
    The cost of settling a migrant in third country is costly as it involves providing all facilities to them. The financial burden on people will be high.

Thus, third country asylum policy works towards discouraging illegal migration and instead opening new avenues for legal migration.

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