Write on the "Bases of Power" in about 150 words. (10 Marks). UPSC MAINS 2022

Max Weber deals power primarily in the context of society and state. Weber defines power as the probability that an actor will be able to realize his own objectives against opposition from others with whom he is in social relationship). Weber''s concepts of power and domination are closely associated. He distinguishes between these types of domination: charismatic, traditional and legal rational. 





Source of Power

Legitimized by long-standing custom

Based on a leader’s personal qualities

Authority resides in the rules and laws, not the person

Leadership Style

Historic personality

Dynamic personality

Bureaucratic officials


Royal Queen, England

Napoleon, Mahatma Gandhi

U.S. president, Indian Prime Minister

Primarily there are 5 bases of power.  

  1. Wealth and Property: Wealth is considered as the most important attribute of power as most of the powerful persons have control over the limited resources. The possession of property allows people to acquire anything they want and thereby making others to submit to them. For generation wealth has been one of the most important sources of power. 
  2. Personality: Personality has the ability to persuade and influence others. This source is also known as referent power which is discussed in length by Bertram Raven in his theory of five bases of social power. This power comes from the ability of individuals to attract others and build their loyalty. This is known as Charismatic authority in Weberian terms.
  3. Prize and Reward: Power depends on the ability of the power wielder to confer valued material rewards, it refers to the degree to which the individual can give others a reward of some kind such as benefits, desired gifts, promotions or increases in pay or responsibility. 
  4. Coercive force : Coercive force can be of physical, mental or other form. People opt for submission to the coercive power possessor out of fear of punishment or fear of loss of their freedom or any other reason. The threats could be real or imaginary perception. Threats and punishment are common tools of coercion. Implying or threatening that someone will be fired, demoted, denied privileges, or given undesirable assignments. 
  5. Cultural hegemony : As stated by Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci, Cultural hegemony refers to rule or power established by dominant class with help of ideology or culture. The term refers to the ability of a group of people to hold power over social institutions, and thus, to strongly influence the everyday thoughts, expectations, and behaviour of the rest of society by directing the normative ideas, values, and beliefs that become the dominant worldview of a society. Cultural hegemony functions by achieving the consent of the masses to abide social norms and the rules of law by framing the worldview of the ruling class, and the social and economic structures that go with it, as just, legitimate, and designed for the benefit of all, even though they may really only benefit the ruling class. It is distinct from rule by force, like in a military dictatorship, for achieving rule through the realm of ideas, norms, and expectations.

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