A human touch to India’s mineral ecosystem

Introduction and Legislative Background

  1. Judicial and Regulatory Catalyst:
    • Coal Block Allocation Scandal: The spotlight on the allocation of coal blocks, driven by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India’s 2012 report, revealed significant irregularities in coal block allocations between 2004 and 2009. The scandal led to a major reassessment of the allocation processes and highlighted the need for more transparent and accountable mechanisms.
    • 2015 Amendments: In response to the scrutiny, the Narendra Modi government amended the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act in 2015. This reform introduced mandatory auctions for mineral allocations to ensure fair competition and reduce the potential for corruption.
  2. Creation of District Mineral Foundations (DMFs):
    • Purpose and Mandate: As part of the legislative changes, District Mineral Foundations (DMFs) were established. These foundations were designed to channel funds from mining operations directly into community development projects. The Prime Minister’s vision emphasized that local communities, directly impacted by mining, should benefit from the exploitation of mineral resources.

Financial Growth and Development Impact

  1. Financial Accumulation:
    • Corpus Development: Over the past decade, DMFs have accumulated a significant corpus of nearly ₹1 lakh crore. This substantial financial resource is used to support community-centric development projects in mining-affected regions.
    • Project Implementation: DMFs have facilitated the sanctioning of about 300,000 projects across 645 districts in 23 states. These projects range from infrastructure development to health and education improvements, showcasing a major shift from previous losses to substantial gains in community development.
  2. Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY):
    • Objective: The PMKKKY scheme aims to implement developmental and welfare projects in mining-affected areas. It works in conjunction with existing State and central government schemes to minimize the adverse impacts of mining, enhance local infrastructure, and promote sustainable livelihoods.
    • Scope: The scheme focuses on mitigating the negative effects of mining and ensuring that affected communities have access to long-term, sustainable benefits.


Success Stories and Innovations

  1. Empowerment and Skill Development:
    • Self-Help Groups: In Odisha, DMFs have supported the creation of self-help groups, empowering women to become entrepreneurs and artisans. These groups have gained skills and resources to improve their economic status and contribute to local development.
    • Youth Skill Development: In Katni, Madhya Pradesh, DMFs have funded programs to train youth in advanced technologies like drones. This initiative has led to job placements and opened new career opportunities for young people in the region.
  2. Alignment with National Initiatives:
    • National Critical Minerals Mission: The DMF initiative aligns with India’s broader national goals, such as the National Critical Minerals Mission, which aims to secure the nation’s supply of strategic and critical minerals.
    • Khanij Bidesh India Ltd. (KABIL): DMFs also complement India’s global mineral strategy through KABIL, which focuses on expanding India’s footprint in the international mineral market.


Operational Efficiency and Innovation

  1. Management and Transparency:
    • National DMF Portal: The establishment of the National DMF Portal has enhanced the transparency and efficiency of DMF operations. This digital platform allows for better management, oversight, and accountability of DMF funds and projects.
    • Leadership Role: District Collectors play a pivotal role in overseeing the implementation of DMF projects. Their involvement ensures that funds are allocated effectively based on local needs and priorities.
  2. Innovative Practices:
    • Inclusive Governance: Some DMFs have adopted inclusive governance models by including elected and non-elected representatives in their decision-making bodies. This approach helps ensure that a diverse range of perspectives is considered.
    • Dedicated Departments: Certain DMFs have established dedicated engineering departments and engaged personnel from the State Public Works Department to improve the implementation and quality of projects.
    • Strategic Planning: DMFs are developing three-year plans to set clear goals and ensure targeted outcomes. This long-term planning approach helps in avoiding fragmented project implementation.


Future Directions and Strategic Goals

  1. Integration with Existing Schemes:
    • Convergence with Central and State Schemes: DMFs are encouraged to align their activities with ongoing central and State government schemes, particularly in aspirational districts. This alignment enhances the overall impact of DMF projects and contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    • Augmenting Livelihoods: Future initiatives include projects aimed at improving the livelihoods of forest dwellers through activities such as medicinal herb cultivation and processing.
  2. Development of Sports Infrastructure:
    • Support for Rural Athletes: DMFs are also focusing on developing sports infrastructure and identifying talented rural athletes. This initiative aims to foster sports development and provide opportunities for youth in mining-affected areas.


Significance and Impact

  1. Exemplifying Cooperative Federalism:
    • Convergence Advantage: DMFs represent a model of cooperative federalism by aligning resources and goals across central, State, and local levels. This alignment ensures that national priorities are effectively met while addressing local needs.
    • Whole of Government Approach: DMFs embody a “whole of government” approach, integrating various levels of governance to address developmental challenges in mining regions.
  2. Global Example of Resource Management:
    • Balancing Growth and Welfare: India’s DMF initiative serves as a global example of how resource management can be balanced with social welfare. It demonstrates how mineral wealth can be used to drive local development and improve the quality of life for historically underserved communities.



The District Mineral Foundation initiative represents a transformative approach to managing and utilizing mineral resources for community development. By channeling funds from mining operations into targeted development projects, DMFs have turned resource exploitation into a catalyst for local progress. This model not only empowers marginalized communities but also sets a benchmark for balancing economic growth with social welfare on a global scale.

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