Revival of the Tiger: A Joint Effort, A Cultural Renaissance

  • India boasts a rich history of forest and wildlife conservation, with a significant milestone achieved at the Corbett Tiger Reserve (CTR), Uttarakhand.
  • There have been comprehensive efforts and strategies implemented at CTR, which have not only witnessed an impressive increase in tiger population but has also become a global example in wildlife management.

An Overview of Successful Tiger Conservation Plan and Biodiversity at CTR

  • Formulation and Implementation of a Comprehensive Strategy
    • The success of the CTR can be traced back to the meticulous implementation of the Tiger Conservation Plan, a comprehensive strategy.
    • The strategy was aimed at ensuring the well-being of the tiger population and the broader biodiversity within the reserve.
    • CTR, spanning an expansive 1288.31 sq km across three districts of Uttarakhand, exemplifies the effectiveness of this plan in fostering a thriving ecosystem.
  • A Clear Division of Core and Buffer Zones
    • The foundation of the Tiger Conservation Plan lies in the demarcation of core and buffer zones within the reserve.
    • These zones, covering an extensive land area, play a pivotal role in providing a sanctuary for wildlife.
    • The core zones serve as undisturbed habitats crucial for breeding and sustenance, while buffer zones act as a transitional area between human settlements and the core, minimising potential conflicts.
  • Increase in Tiger Population
    • Recent statistics reveal a remarkable increase in the tiger population at CTR. Just four years ago, the reserve recorded 231 tigers, and according to the 2022 report, this number has surged to 260.
    • Such a significant rise underscores the success of the conservation plan, signalling not only the protection of tigers but also the overall health and balance of the forest ecosystem.
  • Maintaining Rich Biodiversity
    • CTR''s success goes beyond just tiger numbers; it extends to the richly-forested, highly-biodiverse landscape within its boundaries.
    • The reserve is a haven for a variety of birds and wildlife, attracting not only tourists but also researchers, conservation biologists, and environmentalists.
    • The diverse range of flora and fauna contributes to the ecological balance, creating an environment where both predator and prey coexist harmoniously.
  • Promoting Ecotourism and Conservation Hand in Hand
    • The presence of a vibrant ecosystem has turned CTR into a hotspot for ecotourism, generating economic opportunities for local communities.
    • The influx of tourists, including bird-specialists and wildlife enthusiasts, not only fosters a greater appreciation for nature but also contributes to the local economy.
  • Effective Grassland and Water Management
    • With 27 different types of grasslands at CTR, a nuanced approach to grassland management is imperative.
    • Maintaining the delicate balance of grassland and water management is crucial for the breeding of prey species, ensuring a sustainable prey-base for tigers.
    • This involves developing and restoring palatable grasses for wildlife consumption while eradicating invasive weed species.
    • Water management practices, such as strategically placed solar-pump fed interlinked water-holes, ensure the availability of water during critical periods, supporting the diverse needs of the wildlife.
  • Forest Staff: Unsung Heroes of Conservation
    • Integral to CTR''s success are the unsung heroes—the forest staff, the staff comprises of foot-soldiers, mahouts, and forest guards and their tireless efforts form the backbone of the reserve''s protection.
    • Facing dangers from stalking tigers to aggressive elephants, these dedicated individuals are crucial for maintaining a delicate ecological balance.
    • Recent initiatives, such as timely wages, regular rations, and enhanced safety measures, underscore the importance placed on the well-being of the forest staff.
  • Focus on Wildlife Corridors and Habitat Protection
    • Wildlife corridors are crucial for gene pool exchange, especially for long-ranging species like tigers and elephants.
    • CTR meticulously follows the Tiger Conservation Plan''s recommendations for strategic corridors.

Cultural and Economic Significance of Tiger in India

  • Beyond ecological considerations, the tiger holds immense cultural and historical importance in India.
  • The revival of tiger populations, especially at CTR, symbolises a cultural renaissance and the resurgence of conservation ethics.
  • The economic ties between local communities and the tiger, as evident in the thriving eco-tourism industry, further emphasise the connection between the wildlife and people at CTR.

The Issue of Human-Wildlife Conflict at CTR

  • Rising Incidents and Challenges
    • The surge in human-elephant and tiger-human conflicts arises from various factors, including habitat encroachment, limited animal movement corridors, and behavioural conditioning of predators.
    • Milch and domestic animals from villages often stray into forest areas, becoming easy prey for tigers.
    • As a result, it leads to predatory behaviour conditioned towards humans, resulting in unforeseen attacks, especially on villagers venturing deep into buffer forest areas for their daily needs.
  • The Complexity of ‘Wicked Problems’
    • Human-wildlife conflict is often described as a ‘wicked problem’ due to its complexity. Each conflict scenario is unique, requiring a nuanced and context-specific approach.
    • Recognising this, CTR emphasises that every attempt at a solution, no matter how small, holds significance.
    • There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and continuous adaptation and innovation are essential to address evolving conflict scenarios.

Strategies Undertaken to Minimise Human-Wildlife Conflict and Foster Co-Existence

  • Forest Department Initiatives
    • The forest department at CTR has undertaken proactive measures to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts.
    • One notable success is the complete obliteration of poaching activities, particularly along the highly sensitive southern boundary of the reserve.
    • Intensive patrolling by dedicated foot soldiers, coupled with digital surveillance through the electronic-eye project, has played a crucial role in minimising threats to wildlife.
  • Community Engagement Strategies
    • Community engagement forms a cornerstone of CTR''s approach to human-wildlife conflict resolution.
    • The forest department actively involves local stakeholders in the conservation process and initiatives such as the Living with Tigers program engage villagers and school children in behavioural and response awareness.
    • This educational initiative aims to cultivate a deeper understanding of the patterns of wildlife behaviour and instil practices that enhance safety for both humans and animals.
  • Provision of Economic Incentives for Conservation
    • The forest department has initiated projects that provide economic incentives for conservation.
    • For instance, the beehive-fencing project strategically places beehives along the village-forest border areas.
    • The resulting Corbee Honey brand is managed by local Eco Development Committees (EDCs), creating an economic hook based on cooperation and coexistence with local stakeholders.

Corbett Tiger Reserve stands as a beacon of success in wildlife conservation, epitomising a holistic and integrated approach. From meticulous habitat management to community engagement initiatives, CTR showcases the potential for sustainable coexistence between humans and wildlife. As the reserve continues to be a crucial part of India''s conservation narrative, its future success hinges on the collective efforts of the forest department, local communities, and conservation enthusiasts.

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