Revival of the Tiger: CTR success story

India has a long history of protecting its forests and animals, and the Corbett Tiger Reserve (CTR), in Uttarakhand, just marked a major turning point in this effort. Comprehensive initiatives and tactics have been put in place at CTR, which has not only seen an amazing rise in the number of tigers but has also gained international recognition as a leader in wildlife management.

Key successes of CTR:

  1. Tiger Conservation Plan Implementation
    • Implementation of a comprehensive strategy at CTR.
    • Focus on tiger well-being and broader biodiversity.
  2. Demarcation of Zones
    • Creation of core (for breeding and sustenance) and buffer zones (transition areas) in CTR.
    • Essential for wildlife sanctuary and reducing human-wildlife conflict.
  3. Growth in Tiger Population
    • Increase from 231 to 260 tigers in recent years.
    • Reflects the effectiveness of the conservation strategy.
  4. Biodiversity Preservation
    • CTR''s role in maintaining a richly-forested, biodiverse landscape.
    • Attracts a wide range of visitors, including tourists and researchers.
  5. Ecotourism Development
    • CTR as a center for ecotourism, boosting the local economy.
    • Encourages a deeper appreciation for natural habitats.
  6. Grassland and Water Resource Management
    • Management of diverse grasslands and water resources.
    • Ensures a sustainable environment for prey and predator species.
  7. Role of Forest Staff
    • Recognition of forest staff''s contribution to conservation.
    • Focus on their safety and well-being.
  8. Conservation of Wildlife Corridors
    • Emphasis on protecting wildlife corridors for species migration.
    • Essential for maintaining genetic diversity in tiger and elephant populations.

Human-Wildlife Conflict at CTR

  • Issue of Human-Wildlife Conflict at CTR
    • Surge in human-elephant and tiger-human conflicts.
    • Factors: habitat encroachment, limited animal corridors, predator behavior conditioning.
  • Rising Incidents and Challenges
    • Domestic animals from villages become prey for tigers.
    • Predatory behavior towards humans, leading to attacks on villagers.
  • The Complexity of ‘Wicked Problems’
    • Human-wildlife conflict as a ‘wicked problem’ due to its unique, complex nature.
    • Emphasis on context-specific solutions and continuous adaptation.
  • Forest Department Initiatives
    • Proactive measures against human-wildlife conflicts.
    • Elimination of poaching, intensive patrolling, and digital surveillance (electronic-eye project).
  • Community Engagement Strategies
    • Engaging local stakeholders in conflict resolution.
    • ''Living with Tigers'' program to educate villagers and children on wildlife behavior and safety.
  • Economic Incentives for Conservation
    • Projects providing economic incentives, like the beehive-fencing project.
    • Creation of Corbee Honey by local EDCs, promoting cooperation and coexistence.
  • Conclusion: Efforts Towards Co-Existence
    • CTR''s integrated approach in addressing human-wildlife conflict.
    • Collective efforts of the forest department, local communities, and conservationists.

Corbett Tiger Reserve is a testament to successful wildlife conservation, representing a comprehensive and integrated approach. Its strategies, ranging from detailed habitat management to inclusive community engagement, demonstrate the feasibility of sustainable coexistence between humans and wildlife. This success story is a vital chapter in India''s broader conservation narrative, highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts. The future of CTR, and indeed wildlife conservation in India, relies on the synergistic contributions of the forest department, local communities, and dedicated conservationists. This partnership approach is essential for continuing the legacy of CTR as a model for effective and harmonious wildlife management.

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