Turning plastic trash into sustainable wealth

  • The pollution related to plastics is one of the key issues of the earth and its ecosystems. The oceans are becoming trash bins containing heaps of plastics.
  • The insurgency of plastic in the world ecosystem is like a ticking time bomb. The global plastic industry is expected to rise by $110 2025.
  • It is estimated that around 9% of plastic is being recycled and India also plays a major role in recycling plastics.
  • Unmanaged plastic waste negatively impacts the natural environment and creates problems for plants, wildlife and the human population.
  • It is not only the accumulation of plastics that harm the environment but also the fragments and toxins released during photo decomposition are also responsible for pollution of soil and water.
  • With the growing population and on the go lifestyles requiring easily disposable products by accumulation of plastic products has led to increasing amounts of plastic pollution around the world.
  • Use of plastic waste on national highways: The government is encouraging the usage of waste plastic for construction of roadways and highways especially on the national highways within the 50 km periphery of urban areas having a population of five lakh or more.
  • Recycled waste in asphalt roads: The most consumer recycled garbage is used for creating new polymer modified asphalt roads.
    • These are found to be more resistant to erosion from weather and vehicle use and the number of new potholes formed is also reduced.
    • According to a project in the Netherlands, the roads made by using plastic waste from oceans claim to last 50 years or three times longer than the conventional roads and can survive extremely hot and cold temperatures.
  • Types of waste for road construction: The following types of waste plastics can be used in construction of rural roads:
    • Films (carry bags, cups) thickness up to 60 microns.
    • Hard & soft foams
    • Laminated plastics with thickness upto 60 microns.
Why use PLASTIC?.
  • The use of plastic along with bitumen in construction of roads not only increases its life and smoothness but also makes it economically sound and environment friendly.
  • Plastic waste used as a modifier of bitumen improves some of the properties of bitumen.
  • It has also been found that such roads are not subjected to stopping when they come in contact with water.
  • The use of a higher percentage of plastic waste reduces the need of vitamin by 10%, it also increases the strength and performance of the road.
  • According to various studies the coating of plastics and rubber reduces the ferocity, absorption of moisture and improves soundness.
PLASTIC a necessary evil
  • We do not appear to be approaching the end of the ‘plastic age’ and there is much that plastics can contribute to society.
  • Plastic is the necessary evil of our world. We have to find a replacement for it, until then it is of utmost importance to recycle as much plastic as one can.
  • Plastic materials have the potential to bring scientific and medical advances including:
    • tissue and organ transplants
    • lightweight components such as those in modern aircraft would reduce fuel usage in transportation
    • components for generation of renewable energy and installation would help in reduction of carbon emissions
    • smart plastic packaging would be able to monitor and integrate the quality of perishable goods.
  • Hence, it is important to manage the plastic waste in an efficient and environment friendly manner.
Road ahead
  • Generating awareness: Under the ‘Swachhata Hi Sewa’ programme, various awareness programmes are being organised at campsites and local community centres, publicity is being done through FM radio, organisation of swachhata workshops for truck drivers and toll employees are the steps in right direction to generate awareness among common people.
  • Discouraging use of plastic: The government is also discouraging the use of plastic water bottles, installing dustbin for collection of segregated waste and distributing cloth of jute bags.
Plastics offer considerable benefits for the future but the current approaches to its production, use and disposal are not sustainable and present wide concerns for human health and wildlife.
  • Role of individuals: then do eagles can play a role by appropriate use and disposal, particularly recycling for industry by adopting green chemistry, material production and designing products for reuse or end of life recycle ability.
  • Role of governments: The governments and policymakers can play their respective roles by setting standards and targets, by defining appropriate product labelling to inform and incentivise the change and by funding relevant Academy search and technological development.
  • All these measures must be considered within a framework of life-cycle analysis and should incorporate all key stages in plastic production including synthesis of chemicals used in production along with usage and disposal.

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