Hit List Questions 39 -PPP 100 PRELIMS 2024 - 57

Questions & Explanations:


1. Western Ghats are relatively higher in their southern region.

2. Narmada River lies to the south of Satpura range.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2




Which one of the following correctly describes Tricholime in news?

(a) a fungal biocontrol agent

(b) neem-based urea

(c) an alternative to NPK Fertliser

(d) a bacterial spore mixed with lime to kill weeds




Basaltic Lava rocks over Indian Deccan Plateau were formed in

(a) Pleistocene period

(b) Carboniferous period

(c) Miocene period

(d) Cretaceous period




Consider the following statements wr.t. Western Equine Encephalitis virus infection:

I. It is a mosquito-borne infection.

II. Passerine birds are thought to be the reservoir.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I & II

(d) Neither I nor II




Two new mammalian species - Binturong or the bearcat and the small-clawed otter - have been recorded recently in the

(a) Jim Corbett National Park

(b) Kaziranga National Park

(c) Pench National Park 

(d) Tadoba National Park




The only river in India that passes the tropic of cancer twice is

(a) Tapti

(b) Mahi

(c) Sabarmati

(d) Luni




Which of the following statements are true about India?

1. Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of the country dividing into two latitudinal halves.

2. It occupies about 2.4% of the total area of the lithosphere.

3. It is located north of the equator between 10°4'' north and 47°6'' north latitude and 78°7'' east and 87°25'' east longitude.

4. It shares land borders with 8 nations.

(a) 2 and 3

(b) 1 and 3

(c) 2 and 4

(d) 1 and 2




Consider the following pairs:

Place of Pilgrimage


1. Srisailam

Nallamala Hills

2. Omkareshwar

Satmala Hills

3. Pushkar

Mahadeo Hills

Which of the above is/are incorrectly matched?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3




Which one of the following mountain ranges is spread over only one state in India?

(a) Aravalli

(b) Satpura

(c) Ajanta

(d) Sahyadri




1. It is rich in Vitamin C.

2. It can withstand in waterlogged soils.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct w.r.t. Kinnow fruit?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2




Extension of the International boundaries of India along with their neighboring countries in ascending order is

(a) China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal

(b) Nepal, Pakistan, China, Bangladesh

(c) Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China

(d) Pakistan, Nepal, China, Bangladesh




Sikki Grass is widely known for its use in

(a) handicraft

(b) mosquito repellelent

(c) antiviral medicine

(d) fodder crop




Consider the following statements:

1. The longitude of Jabalpur’s location is between those of Indore and Bhopal.

2. The latitude of Aurangabad’s location is between those of Vadodara and Pune.

3. Bengaluru is situated more southward than Chennai.

Which of these statements is/are correct?

(a) 1 and 3

(b) Only 2

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 1, 2 and 3




The average annual temperature of a meteorological station is 26°C, its average annual rainfall is 63 cm and the annual range temperature is 9°C. The station in question is: 

(a) Allahabad

(b) Chennai

(c) Cherrapunji

(d) Kolkata




When you travel in the Himalayas, you will see the following

1. Deep gorges

2. U-turn River courses

3. Parallel Mountain ranges

4. Steep gradients causing land sliding

Which of the above can be said to be the pieces of evidence for the Himalayas being young fold mountains?

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 1, 2 and 4

(c) 3 and 4

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4




Following are the characteristics of an area in India

1. Hot and humid climate

2. Annual rainfall 200 cm

3. Hill slopes up to an altitude of 1100 meters

4. Annual range of temperature 15°C to 30°C.

Which one among the following crops is you most likely to find in the area described above?

(a) Mustard

(b) Cotton

(c) Pepper

(d) Tobacco




Which one among the following is the most plausible explanation for the location of the Thar Desert in Western India?.

(a) Prevalence of sand dunes

(b) The evaporation of moisture by heat

(c) The absence of mountains to the North of Rajasthan to cause orographic rainfall in it

(d) The moisture carried by the South-West Monsoon is driven away by the dry upper air current




‘Havisure’ in news refer to

(a) Vaccine

(b) Balanced Diet

(c) A Himalayan plant

(d) A Comet




Correct statement(s) w.r.t. active galactic nucleus is/are

1. It emits radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to gamma rays.

2. All quasars are active galactic nuclei.

3. Images from NASA''s Hubble Space Telescope shows interacting galaxies known as AM 1214-255 which contain active galactic nuclei.

(a) 2 and 3 only

(b) 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3



Assertion: The Himalayan ranges show changes in vegetation from tropical to tundra.

Reason: In the mountainous areas with an increase in altitude, there is a corresponding decrease in temperature, which leads to a change in vegetation types.

(a) Both the Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

(b) Both the Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion

(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.

(d) Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect.




1. They are poor in Nitrogen and phosphorus.

2. Sand and silt make up more than 60% of the soil.

3. They have high water retaining capacity.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct with reference to “Black Soils” of India?

(a) Only 2 and 3 are correct

(b) Only 1 and 3 are correct

(c) Only 1 is correct

(d) All are correct




The biggest Island of Japan archipelago

(a) Honshu

(b) Hokkaido

(c) Shikoku

(d) Kyushu




Which one of the following statements about the Himalayas is NOT correct?

(a)  The Great Boundary Fault separates the outer Himalayas from the lesser Himalayas.

(b) They have geosynclinal rocks

(c) Himalayan Frontal Fault is located between Shiwalik Himalayas and Northern Plain.

(d) Indus and Sutlej rivers form antecedent drainage in Himalaya




The latitude that passes through Arunachal Pradesh also passes through

1. Bihar

2. Madhya Pradesh

3. Haryana

4. Sikkim

(a) 2 and 3

(b) 1 and 4

(c) 3 and 4

(d) 1 and 3




ANEEL can guarantee India’s green energy transition. Recent headline news. What is ANEEL?

(a) A Green Energy consortium     

(b) A Geothermal Energy plant    

(c) Nuclear Fuel

(d) Bio fuel






The Western Ghats, also known as Sahyadri, is a mountain range that runs parallel to the Western Coast of India. The range stretches from the Tapti River in the north to the southern tip of India at Kanyakumari.

Geographical Features:

- The Western Ghats are considered to be one of the eight hottest hotspots of biological diversity in the world.

- The range is spread across six states in India: Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala.

- The Western Ghats is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to many endangered species of flora and fauna.


- The Western Ghats are relatively higher in their southern region. The Anamalai Hills in Tamil Nadu and the Nilgiri Hills in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are considered to be the highest parts of the Western Ghats.

- The average height of the Western Ghats is between 900 and 1,200 meters. However, some peaks in the range rise over 2,000 meters above sea level.


- The Western Ghats receive heavy rainfall, especially during the monsoon season. The range acts as a barrier to the moisture-laden winds coming from the Arabian Sea, and this results in heavy rainfall in the region.

- The Western Ghats have a tropical monsoon climate, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C.

The Narmada River originates from north-eastern end of Satpura in Amarkantak, and runs in the depression between the Satpura and Vindhya ranges, draining the northern slope of the Satpura range, running west towards the Arabian Sea.

  • Narmada Valley:
    • The Narmada Valley is a graben and a layered block of the Earth''s crust that dropped down relative to the blocks on either side due to the ancient spreading of the Earth''s crust.
    • The Narmada Valley lies between Satpura and Vindhyachal.
    • Two normal faults are known as the Narmada North fault and Narmada South fault which is parallel to the river''s course and marks the boundary between the Narmada block and the Vindhya and Satpura blocks or Horsts which rose relative to the Narmada Graben.
    • The Narmada''s watershed includes the northern slopes of the Satpuras, and the steep southern slope of the Vindhyas, but not the Vindhyan tableland, the streams from which flow into the Ganges and Yamuna.
  • The Narmada Valley dry deciduous forests cover an area of 169,900 km2 (65,600 sq mi) of the lower Narmada River Valley and the surrounding uplands of the Vindhya Range to the north and the western end of the Satpura Range to the south.
  • The Narmada Valley is an east-west flat-bottomed valley, or graben, that separates the two plateaus.
  • The Vindhya Range separates the valley from the Malwa plateau and Bundelkhand upland to the north.
  • The Satpura Range reaches a height of 1,300m and encloses the valley on the south separating it from the Deccan plateau.
  • The ecoregion includes the western portion of the Satpuras and also extends to the southeast along the eastern flank of the Western Ghats range.
  • The uplands of this ecoregion are the northern limits of the Indian peninsula.




Deccan Traps are the great volcanic formation of the Indian subcontinent that consists of lava covering an area of more than 400,000 square kilometers, with a thickness estimated at about 3000 meters.

  • These volcanic rocks occupy greater parts of Kutch and Kathiawar in Gujarat and are also spread over Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra. 
  • After the Archean Rocks, Deccan Traps are the most extensive geological formations of Peninsular India.
  • These Deccan Traps formed at the end of the Cretaceous Era. ​

Key Points 

  • The Cretaceous Period continued from 135 million to 75 million years ago. 
    • During this period, Coastal lands were covered with large swamps.
    • The river''s flow was sluggish and delta formation became more active. This period was characterized by widespread vulcanicity. 
    • Mountain building became active. The process of formation of Tertiary or Alpine Mountains was initiated. 
    • Peninsular India was covered with thick basaltic lava.

Hence the Deccan Trap start to be built in the Cretaceous period.

  • The Silurian Period was spread from 440 million to 400 million years ago.
    • In this period, Sea level was characterized by periodic rise and fall which introduced changes on Earth''s crust.
    • Leafless plants were evolved on the land areas. 
    • There was an increase in the species of vertebrate animals of the marine environment.  
  • The Carboniferous Period was 80 million years long.
    • It began 350 million years ago and ended 270 million years ago.
    • Coal beds of the earth came to be formed, therefore it is also known as the Coal Age.
    • In the course of time due to intense heat and pressure, the successive layers of decaying vegetation, entrapped in the sediment layers, were transformed into coal beds.
    • This period also saw the beginning of such animals which could live both on land and water, which are known as Amphibians.
  • The Cambrian Period was about 90 million years long.
    • It began in 600 and ended 500 million years ago.
    • Cambrian Period saw the transgression of the sea over the land surface. Land submerged underwater due to earth movement that gave rise to sedimentary rocks. It is why the rocks of this period are quite extensive.
    • The rocks of this time have light limestone at the bottom over which are laid the layers of sandstone, shale and at the top is a thin layer of limestone again.
    • These rocks not only contain the fossils of the oldest life but also hold the first evidence of life.










Mahi river is one of Five west-flowing rivers in India, along with Tapti River, Sabarmati River, Luni River and the Narmada River. It originates from Mehad Lake in Vindhyachal hills near Sardarpura of Amroru hill in the Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh.

Two rivers crosses the Tropic of Cancer twice, they are,

River CONGO or Zaire in Congo, Angola

River MAHI in India crosses Tropic of Cancer in India twice.



  • The Indian landmass has a central location between East and West Asia.
  • India is a southward extension of the Asian continent.
  • Lying entirely in the Northern hemisphere the mainland extends between latitudes 8°4''N and 37°6''N and longitudes 68°7''E and 97°25''E. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
  • India is the seventh-largest country after Russia, Canada, China, the USA, Brazil, and Australia by area and second-largest after China by population. 
    • The landmass of India has an area of 3.28 million square km. India’s total area accounts for about 2.4 percent of the total geographical area of the world.
    • India has a land boundary of about 15,200 km and the total length of the coastline of the mainland, including Andaman and Nicobar, and Lakshadweep is 7,516.6 km.
  • India is bounded by the young fold mountains in the northwest, north, and northeast.
    • South of about 22° north latitude, it begins to taper and extends towards the Indian Ocean, dividing it into two seas, the Arabian Sea on the west and the Bay of Bengal on its east.
  • India shares land borders with China, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan in the north or north-west, and Bangladesh, Myanmar in the east. (total 7 countries). 
  • Tropic of Cancer is the imaginary line at 23.50 degrees North of the Equator.
    • Tropic of Cancer passes almost through the middle of India.
    • In India Tropic of Cancer passes through 8 states- Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura, and Mizoram. 
  • The Indian Standard Time is determined by 82.5°E longitude.




  • Srisailam is the shrine of Lord Mallikarjuna on the flat top of Nallamala Hills in Andhra Pradesh. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
  • Sri Bhramaramba Mallikarjuna Temple or Srisailam Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to the deities Shiva and Parvati.
  • This temple is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva and one of the eighteen Shakti Peethas of goddess Parvati. 
  • Shiva is worshipped as Mallikarjuna and is represented by the lingam. 
  •  Parvati is depicted as Bhramaramba. 


  • Omkareshwar is situated on the Mandhata hills in Madhya Pradesh (ancient name: Shivpuri). Hence, statement 2 is incorrect.
  • River Narmada flows here around the Mandhata hill in the form of an Om which gives it the name, ''Omkareshwar''.
  • Omkareshwar is a Hindu temple dedicated to God Shiva.
  • It is one of the 12 revered Jyotirlinga shrines of Shiva.


  • The Mahadeo Hills are a range of hills in Madhya Pradesh state of central India. Hence, statement 3 is incorrect.
  • Pushkar lies in Ajmer, Rajasthan. 
  • Pushkar is famous for the red spired Brahma Temple 
  • Pushkar is located on the shore of Pushkar Lake.




Ajanta mountain range is short-range, which spreads within Maharashtra. – Aravali ranges cover Rajasthan, Haryana, and Delhi – Satpura ranges are found in Gujrat and Madhya Pradesh. – Sahyadris ranges start from Gujr at, Maharastra border and crossing Goa, Karnataka it reaches Kerala tip upto Cape Comrie. – Ajan ta is found in the Aurangabad district of Maharastra.




Kinnow farming


1) Type of Citrus Fruit – Citrus fruit consists of Kinnow, Oranges, Lime and Lemon
2) It has originated in South East Asia.
3) These are major fruit crops of Punjab.
4) In India, Citrus is the third-largest fruit crop after Banana and Mango.
5) Citrus fruits are an important source of vitamin C.

Major growing states

Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh are major Kinnow growing states.

Ideal climate for growth

1) Temperature-13-37°C
2) Rainfall-300-400mm


1) It can be grown on wide range of soil ranging from sandy loam soils to clay loam or deep clay loam or acidic soils with good drainage facility.
2) Crop does not thrive well in saline and alkaline soils. Also, it cannot withstand in waterlogged soils.
3) For optimum crop growth, pH of soil should be in the range of 5.5 to 7.5.



1) It requires frequent watering at initial growth years.
2) Irrigation at weekly intervals must be provided to 3–4 years old crop.
3) Irrigation at an interval of 2–3 weeks depending upon soil type, weather conditions and rainfall must be applied to older trees.
4) Flood irrigation should be avoided as it causes disease like root rot, collar rot etc.



  • Nepal shares borders with 5 states viz; Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Sikkim.​
    • India shares a borderline with Nepal of about 1752 Km.
  • China shares its borders with four Indian states.
    • ​They are Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh.
    • Ladakh is now a separate union territory and not a part of Jammu and Kashmir.
    • India shares 3488 Km of the border with China.
  • India shares its borders with three Indian states with Pakistan.
    • India shares a borderline with Pakistan of about 3310 Km.
    • They are Gujarat, Punjab, Rajasthan.
    • And Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh also share a border but it is a UT.
  • India shares its borders with four Indian states with Bhutan.
    • They are Sikkim, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, and Assam.
  • Myanmar shares its borders with four Indian states.
    • They are Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, and Mizoram.

Confusion Points

  • China and Pakistan share boundaries with a total of 5 (State + UT).
  • Here in the question, the union territories are not being considered.
    • China: Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh. (States)
      • ​Ladakh ​(Union Territory)
    • ​Pakistan: Gujarat, Punjab, Rajasthan. (State)
      • ​ Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh ​(Union Territory)
  • Bangladesh is bordered by the Indian states of West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.
    • India has the longest international boundary with Bangladesh as it shares a borderline of about 4096.7 Km.





The meridians of longitudes that lie to the east of the Prime Meridian are positive. While the meridians of longitude that lie to the west of the Prime Meridian are negative. The local time of any place where is with longitude and there is a difference of 1 hour in local time corresponding to every 15 meridians of longitude.

Parallels of latitude imaginary lines on earth surface drawn parallel to the equator. The most important parallel of latitude is the equator that marks the distinction between the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. The other important parallels of latitude are Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, the Arctic Circle, and the Antarctic circles.

The latitude of Aurangabad location lies between the latitude of Vadodara location and the latitude of Pune location. Bangalore lies on a more southern latitude than Chennai. However, the longitude of Jabalpur’s location does not lie in between the longitude of Indore’s location and the longitude of Bhopal''s location.



India has a very wide range of physical features starting from the plains to the mountains. It also has plateaus and highlands, deltas, coastal areas, and island regions. This leads to a very diverse climate and weather pattern over the country. Often a place can easily be identified by the kind of climate it has. Let us see which of the given places has the climate described in the question-

Allahabad has an average temperature of 25.7 °C and gets an annual rainfall of 38.6 in. It''s annual range of temperature is 18.1°C.

Chennai has an average temperature of 26°C and gets an annual rainfall of 63 cm. It''s annual range of temperature is 9°C.

Cherapunji has an average temperature of 17.3°C and gets an annual rainfall of 463.7 in. Its annual range of temperature is around 8°C.

Kolkata has an average temperature of 26.2°C and gets an annual rainfall of 68.3 in. It''s annual range of temperature is 10.9°C.



Evidences for Himalayas being young fold mountains:

1. Deep gorges: The presence of deep gorges in the Himalayas is a clear indication of their youthful nature. These gorges are formed by the erosion of the rivers that flow through the mountain range. Over time, water has carved out these deep channels, indicating that the Himalayas have not been around for a long period.

2. U-turn river courses: Another evidence for the youthfulness of the Himalayas is the presence of u-turn river courses. The steep gradients and unstable nature of the mountains cause the rivers to change their course frequently. As the mountains continue to rise and erode, the rivers are forced to change their paths, creating u-turns. This phenomenon is commonly observed in the Himalayas, indicating their recent formation.

3. Parallel mountain ranges: The Himalayas are not a single continuous mountain range but rather a series of parallel ranges. These ranges run roughly parallel to each other, separated by deep valleys and gorges. This pattern is indicative of the folding and uplifting of the Earth''s crust, which is a characteristic feature of young fold mountains. Over time, the mountains will continue to rise and erode, eventually merging into a single range.

4. Steep gradients causing land-sliding: The steep gradients of the Himalayas contribute to the occurrence of frequent landslides. The mountains are still in the process of adjusting to the tectonic forces acting upon them, causing instability and slope failures. This is a common phenomenon in young fold mountains, as they are still undergoing geological processes that shape the landscape.



The above climate conditions are found in India in the Western coastal areas from Maharastra, Goa, Kerala, Coastal Karnataka including the Western Ghats, and hilly areas of northeast except some parts of Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh. Virginia tobacco is cultivated in Andhra Pradesh and can be grown in dry weather. So Pepper should be the correct option.

  • Cotton requires uniformly high temperatures between 21ºC and 30ºC.
    • During October, the day temperature should be above 26ºC which helps the ripening and bursting of cotton balls under the sunny skies.
  • Mustard requires cool and dry weather and a fair supply of soil moisture during the growing period and dry clear weather at the time of maturity.
    • In India, they are grown in the Rabi season from September-October to February-March.
  • For tobacco 50-100 cm annual rainfall and 15-20 degree centigrade temperature during the growth period is ideal.
    • Tobacco cannot stand if rainfall is more than 100 cm.
    • After harvesting to dry the leaves it requires bright sunshine & dry weather but not less than containing 8% moisture.
    • Soil should be well-drained.



  • About 85% of the Thar Desert is located within India, with the remaining 15% in Pakistan.
  • Orographic or relief rainfall is caused when masses of air pushed by wind are forced up the side of elevated land formations, such as large mountains.
  • Aravalli mountain range is located in South-West to North-East direction in the middle of the state which stops South-West monsoon winds to reach that desert.











The character and degree of vegetation are principally controlled by temperature alongside the dampness noticeable all around, precipitation, and soil. On the slants of the Himalayas and the slopes of the Peninsula over the stature of 915 meters, the fall in the temperature influences the sorts of vegetation and its development, and changes it from tropical to subtropical temperature. So in the mountainous territory with the expansion in height, there is a gradual decline in temperature, which prompts a change in vegetation types.

Himalayan vegetation can be comprehensively grouped into four kinds—tropical, subtropical, mild, and mountainous —every one of which wins in a zone decided primarily by rise and precipitation.

Mountain lands give a dissipated but assorted exhibit of territories wherein a huge scope of plants and creatures can be found. At higher elevations brutal natural conditions for the most part win, and treeless snow-capped vegetation, whereupon the current record is engaged, is upheld. Lower inclines regularly are covered by montane woodlands. At even lower levels mountain lands grade into different sorts of landform and vegetation—e.g., tropical or calm woodland, savanna, scrubland, desert, or tundra.



Black soils are poor in Nitrogen, Humus and Phosphorus. They are rich in Iron, Magnesium and Aluminium along with lime. Clay makes upto 60-62% of soil.




Japan archipelago:

  • This archipelago is a group of around 6000 islands.
  • Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku Kyushu, and Okinawa (North to South) are the five main islands.
  • The main islands are surrounded by North Pacific (in East), Sea of Okhotsk (in North), Sea of Japan (in the West) and East China Sea (in South).
  • Out of these, Honshu is the largest and most populated of all the islands.
  • The capital city of Japan, Tokyo is also located on Honshu Island.
  • Mount Fuji the highest mountain in Japan is also located on this island.
  • Tectonic Plate Boundaries in the vicinity of the Japanese islands:
    • Subducting Pacific Plate under Okhotsk Plate in North.
    • Pacific plate subduction under Philippine Plate (in South).
    • Philippine Plate subduction under Eurasian Plate (in South).



  • The Himalayan frontal faults is a series of reverse faults that demarcates the boundary of the Shivalik from the alluvial expanse of the Indo-Gangetic plains.
  • The Himalayan frontal faults are also known as the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT).
  • The geology of the Himalayas is characterized by three major tectonic units:
    • The Main Central Thrust (MCT)
    • The Main Boundary Thrust (MBT)
    • The Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT)/(MFT)
  • Main Central Thrust (MCT) Zone separates the Greater Himalayas in the north from lesser Himalayas in the south.
  • The Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) zone separates the outer Himalayas from the lesser Himalayas.
  • The Himalayas are young fold mountains.
  • The Great Boundary Fault is a major tectonic lineament in the northwestern India that runs close to the contact between the Vindhyan sedimentary rocks (ca. 1400-600 Ma) and the pre-Vindhyan rocks.
  • The Great Boundary Fault is a major tectonic lineament in the southeastern Rajasthan along the Bundi-Sawaimadhopur hills.
  • It separates Aravalli and Hadoti.
  • It is extended over Chittorgarh, Bundi, and Sawai Madhopur.
  • The Great Boundary Fault Zone contains different types of fault rocks, ductile shear zones, and multiple sets of fractures and faults.


The latitude that passes through Arunachal Pradesh also passes through Assam, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan.




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