Comment on the critical issues of commercialization of higher education in India. (UPSC CSE Mains 2019 - Sociology, Paper 2)

Commercialization of education transforms the education into profit making commodity. Commercialization of education is the result of growing demand for education due to increase in opportunities in other countries. An increase in private players’ provision of education led to privatization of education, which resulted in higher proportion of private actors in the education system. Through this, methods and approaches from the commercial sectors were introduced in the field of education.

Positive aspects

1. Private institutions can meet the demand of increase in quality education in India

2. To meet the increasing demand to meet the needs of the students population higher education is essential for government to privatize higher education in the country since the government participation is less in higher education

3. The private universities enjoy full freedom as there would be no political intervention and it would be beneficial for the students and universities

4. The private universities don’t need to take permission from the state to try and implement new techniques

5. Private collages affiliated to universities would run the chances of being removed of their affiliation if they are engaged in unethical practices.

Negative effects

1. It affected on right to access to education.

2. The high cost of education has created the problem for common man, The common man cannot reach the education due to high cost of education.

3. Social and national needs are replaces by money power.

4. This prevents the poor, socially backward communities from right to education.

5. The institutions are motivated to earn money and not by social and educational interest.

6. Students are more exploited through illegal and unethical collection of unauthorized collections of payments.

7. The methods corporate method of teaching suits only for rich learners.

8. Who enrolls in education institutions by money power it’s not difficult for them to manipulate the result of examination.

9. Who enters in education by spending lakhs of rupees are bond to adopt unethical and illegal means to earn money in their life also.

10. When the independence is given to private institutions it would lead to monopolization of higher education.

11. The privatization of institution leads to high fee structure capitation fee exploitation of professors.


1. There is a need for subsidization for the interest rate of education loan based on family income.

2. There is a need for financing of education for students those who are from low income households.

3. The state should take the responsibility of providing quality education all levels and in all regions.

4. State should finance the public universities and institutions to improve quality of education and research.

5. There should be control over institution which promoting commercialization.

6. Legal frame work should to be imposed for the benefit of economically poor and weaker section of the society.

Education is a fundamental and universal right of any individual both within and outside the formal education system and this act as a lever to other human rights. The education also plays a major role in strengthening the social bonds. The commercially oriented institutions are proliferating by risking the objective of quality education for all as education is no longer considered as public service but as a commodity. The inefficiency and the lack of transparency in the management of education expenditure make the commercialization of education easy. To curb this menace of commercialization the regulating authorities have to come up with the measures so that there is a significant mobilization of public resources for education and to refrain from taking any measures for encouraging privatization of education.

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