Critically examine the dialectics between ‘development and environment’. (UPSC CSE Mains 2022 - Sociology, Paper 2)

  • The unprecedented growth in world production and consumption is leading to environmental stress through irreversible impacts at local, regional and global levels. Global warming and ozone level depletion an. examples of global environmental degradation; acid rain and the state of oceans in several countries are of international concerns and the more local impacts are due to , air and water pollution, soil degradation, deforestation etc.
  • Most environmental issues are related either to the interaction between human population and natural resources (resource consumption), that is, those caused by taking resources from the environment or putting waste into the environment, or factors associated with the sheer growth of the human population. On examining resource consumption patterns, we find that per capita, consumption in developed countries is far greater than in developing nations. The industrialised countries are responsible for the greatest impact of natural resource consumption on the global environmental problems like changes in the atmosphere, while poverty and inability to meet even the basic needs often forces the use of natural resources in developing countries in ways that lead to environmental degradation.
  • Since independence India has made rapid progress. We are becoming progressively industrialized and urbanised. We have the third largest pool of scientific and technological manpower after USA and Russia. Industrialisation is considered a sign of development of a nation and India has seen a five-fold increase in industrial production in the last thirty years. However, issues related to development in India are similar to issues faced by other developing countries. These are:
    • Poverty
    • Clean air
    • Clean water for drinking and domestic use
    • Education
    • Malnutrition, health care and sanitation
    • Good soil to provide food and fodder to increasing human and livestock population
    • Fuel for cooking and heating
    • Shelter
  • The dialectics between development and environment in India can be seen in the tensions between different actors and interests. The state, as the primary agent of development, often prioritizes economic growth over environmental concerns, leading to policies and practices that undermine ecological sustainability. At the same time, civil society organizations, local communities, and environmental activists have been increasingly vocal in demanding greater attention to environmental issues and advocating for more sustainable development models.
  • While there has been some progress in recognizing the need for a more sustainable development model, significant challenges remain in reconciling the imperatives of economic growth, social progress, and ecological sustainability. Addressing these challenges will require a fundamental transformation in the way development is conceived and pursued, as well as a strengthening of institutions and governance mechanisms to ensure that environmental concerns are effectively integrated into development planning and policymaking.

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