Critically examine the role of India in shaping the emerging world order. (UPSC CSE Mains 2020 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 2).

New World Order

The new multilateral world order is a term that refers to the emergence of new forms of cooperation and dialogue among different countries and regions in the 21st century. It is a response to the challenges and opportunities posed by globalization, climate change, pandemics, terrorism, and other issues that require collective action and shared solutions.

Some of the features of the new multilateral world order are:

  • The expansion and diversification of the existing multilateral institutions, such as the UN, the IMF, and the World Bank,to include more voices and perspectives from the developing world and the Global South.
  • The creation and strengthening of new regional and sub-regional organizations, such as theBRICS, the African Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and the European Union, that aim to promote regional integration, development, security, and cooperation.
  • The emergence of informal networks and initiatives, such as the Alliance for Multilateralism, the G20, and the Quad, that seek to address specific issues or challenges that transcend national boundaries and require coordinated action.
  • The recognition of the multipolar reality of the world, where no single country or bloc can dominate or dictate the global agenda,and where different actors have to engage in dialogue and negotiation to find common ground and mutual benefit.

Decline of Existing Multilateralism

  • Rise of China and its Expansionism: One of the primary reasons behind the decline of existing multilateralism is the rise of China as a global economic and military power. China''s expansionist policies, both in Asia and globally, challenge the existing multilateral order.Its unilateral efforts to alter borders with neighbors and its assertive territorial expansionism have created tensions and destabilized regional and global institutions.
  • Economic and Security Threats from China:The economic and security threats posed by China have compelled countries like the United States, Japan, and India to reevaluate their engagement with China. This has led to efforts to de-risk their massive economic interdependence with China, which has implications for existing multilateral economic institutions.
  • Russian Actions:The Russian occupation and annexation of Ukraine''s Crimea in 2014 marked a significant challenge to the post-Cold War security order, particularly in Europe. This event disrupted multilateralism by causing rifts and conflicts in the international community.
  • Contradictions Within the Multilateral System: The multilateral system itself has faced internal contradictions and challenges.These internal disagreements and conflicting interests among member states have weakened the effectiveness of multilateral organizations and impeded consensus-building.
  • Rise of Alternative Security Forums:In response to China''s expansionism, alternative security forums like the Quad, AUKUS, and trilateral compacts have emerged. These forums reflect a shift away from traditional multilateral institutions, raising questions about the continuing relevance and centrality of existing regional organizations like
  • Changing Perspectives of Key Players:The changing perspectives of key players, such as India, have also contributed to the decline of existing multilateralism. India''s evolving view of the international order, shifting from concerns about a "unipolar Asia" dominated by China to a more proactive engagement with the United States and its allies, has altered the dynamics of multilateralism in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Global Financial Crisis and Expanding the G7:The 2008 global financial crisis underscored the need to expand the Group of Seven (G7) to include middle powers to restore global economic stability. While this was a positive step toward addressing global challenges, it also highlighted the limitations of the existing multilateral framework.

India Shaping the New World order

  • India can play a leading role in the Quadand ASEAN, as well as other regional and sub-regional forums, to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific region that is based on the rule of law, respect for sovereignty, and peaceful resolution of disputes.
    • India can also enhance its maritime security cooperation with like-minded countries to counter the challenges posed by China’s assertiveness in the region.
  • India can contribute to the re-globalisation processby diversifying its trade and investment partners, especially in the Global South, and by developing its domestic capabilities in key sectors such as manufacturing, services, and innovation.
    • India can also advocate for a more democratic and equitable global governance systemthat reflects the realities and aspirations of the emerging economies.
  • India canuse its hosting of the G20 summit as an opportunity to showcase its vision and achievements as a global leader, as well as to forge consensus on important issues such as climate change, sustainable development, health security, and digital transformation.
  • India can alsobridge the gap between the developed and developing countries by highlighting their common interests and challenges, and by proposing solutions that are inclusive and pragmatic.

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