Disasters in one form or the other are inevitable.  Hence the idea of Disaster Resilient Infrastructure has gained currency recently.  What does Disaster Resilient Infrastructure mean to you.  Elucidate the frameworks available at global level in this regard

Disasters in one form or the other are inevitable.  Hence the idea of Disaster Resilient Infrastructure has gained currency recently.  What does Disaster Resilient Infrastructure mean to you.  Elucidate the frameworks available at global level in this regard.  Disaster Resilient Infrastructure:
  1. It is the infrastructure which can withstand any huge damage from any kind of natural disaster. It encompasses both structural and non-structural measures. 
  2. The structural measures involve engineering designs and standards such as flood control systems, retrofitting of buildings etc. The non-structural measures refer to risk sensitive planning, hazard mapping, disaster risk financing etc.
  3. It reduces economic and human loss due to disasters and the post disaster response can be done in an efficient manner.
International Framework:
  1. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) prioritizes the investments in DRI among many other strategies
  2. SDG Goal 9 recognizes disaster resilient infrastructure as a crucial driver of economic growth and development.
  3. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is keen in implementing actions in this domain.
  4. Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) to promote research and knowledge sharing in the fields of infrastructure risk management, standards, financing, and recovery mechanisms.
  5. UN-HABITAT (Human Settlement Programme) is mandated by UN to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all.
  Road Ahead: An estimate suggests that India needs about $1.5 trillion investment in the infrastructure sector in the coming 10 years which is going to pose a challenge since the country is prone to many disasters like earthquakes, floods, cyclones, etc.  Hence disaster resilient infrastructure is the utmost need for the country.

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