Discuss India's vision of a New World order in the 21st century. (UPSC CSE Mains 2022 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 2)

  • The world got polarized into two blocs after the end of Second World War in 1945, one led by USA and other led by USSR. India was a newly independent country and opted not to join any hostile blocs and military alliances. As India need economical, technological and military aid from the countries1 of both blocs for its rapid economic growth. Instead India decided to adopt the policy of Non-Alignment along with many other countries.
  • But later, USA emerged as sole super power and world started to move towards unipolarity. At the same time all economies of the world were blossoming by rise of globalization and opening of economies. India also made certain amendments and changes in its foreign and economic policy. India started Look East policy, developed healthy relation with EU, USA, Russia, china, UK, France etc. on the diplomatic front while got NEP, NIP on economic front.
  • The dawn of 21st century ushered the phase of new world order by which world is heading towards multi-polarity represented by china, Russia, India, and EU. These countries are acting as Balance of power in this new order and Geo-Economics and Economic diplomacy has got credence than any political, cultural or ideological conflict.
  • Therefore in 21st century India is giving importance to Economic relations. India is having strategic partnership relations with all major powers and regions. Putting aside its political differences India is economically engaged with china and has started confidence Building Measures (CBMs) with Pakistan. As India is a rising economic power now it need to rely upon diversified energy sources to fulfill the fuel demands of its economy. So, India is signing energy expedition treaty with various regions and countries.

India has laid down a visionary new world order for the current times through following ways:

  • MEA S Jaishankar in his book The India Way stated that the entire international system should seek to build a new international order that will change the power equation by not decreasing the stature of USA, but also allow countries like the members of G4 to attain a higher and respectable position.
  • PM Narendra Modi has advocated for rules-based international order from time to time from public forums like UNGA.
  • Scholars like Darshana M Baruah, Jagannath Panda, and Radha Kumar stated that the current international system will pave the way for a multipolar structure that will allow better inclusivity of power acquisition.
  • India has been the beacon of hope for countries in Africa and Latin American regions who bypassed the red-tapes around intellectual patents and properties associated with medicines and food security, which has allowed India to increase its soft power diplomacy as stated by former Ambassador Riva Das Ganguly.
  • The current international system should seek for diplomatic resolution of conflicts rather than resorting to hard power and military struggle. (Gandhi: An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.) In addition to this, the Gandhian Talisman can be that key instrument to restore peace and ensure better development of underdeveloped regions of the other parts of the world. Hence, countries like India should come forward to step up such ideas for global peace and stability.

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