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Discuss the contribution of the Dalit struggle to establish egalitarianism in Indian society during freedom movement. 20 Marks. (UPSC CSE Mains 2024- Political Science and International Relations, Paper 1)
- The challenge before the leadership of national movement was to integrate the divergent interests of different social groups in India in a united movement against the colonial rule.
- Administrative, political and economic changes in the wake of the British rule in India and specifically the initiative taken by the colonial government to protect the interests of Dalits gave an impetus to the latent discontent and resentment of Dalits against the oppressive caste system.
- Dalit intelligentsia at the regional as well as national levels tried to mobilise people belonging to their social groups in order to assert their social and political rights. Liberation from internal oppression rather than liberation from the British rule was the desired goal of Dalit intelligentsia.
- Leadership of the national movement, particularly Gandhi, viewed the problem of Dalits as predominantly a religious matter and in no way he wanted any division within the Hindus for the greater cause of political emancipation. Gandhi said, ‘Without eradicating untouchability root and branch the honour of Hinduism cannot be saved. That can only happen when untouchables are treated on par with caste Hindus in every respect.’ In spite of his concern for Dalits Gandhi could read the design of the government in creating division within Indian society by announcing the Communal Award. This forced Gandhi to announce his decision for going to fast unto death to resist the contemplated separation of Dalits. This decision of Gandhi succeeded in bringing different groups together and the outcome was the Poona Pact which ensured for the first time 148 reserved seats for Dalits out of general electorates in Provincial Legislatures.
- Whereas Gandhi and other mainstream nationalist leaders were concerned with uniting divergent sections of Indian society against the British, the visible section of Dalit intelligentsia strongly believed that without liberating and empowering Dalits from their existing state of sufferings any form of political freedom was not going to make them equal.
- Dalit Movement has no doubt brought a major social change in the traditional hierarchy of Indian society. It has encouraged the democratic ideals of liberty, equality and social justice among the different castes and classes of people.
- The Dalit movements raised the issues related to identity and reservations of government jobs and political positions.
- There was a strong opposition to the practice of untouchability and discrimination. The movements have brought the dalits to the mainstream politics and allowed them to hold important and administrative posts in different parts of the country.
- The dalit literature mobilized the dalit intellectuals to assert their rights and maintain their dignity in the hierarchical society. The Dalit movement was a direct challenge to the upper caste and class and they have been acting as a strong pressure group to the government in the mainstream politics.
Hence the dalit movement has become a powerful social movement to bring a major socio-economic and political transformation in the conditions of dalits.