Distinguish between Social Progress and Social Change. (10 Marks)

Change is an indifferent process, this can occur in any direction of good or evil, but when this occurs  towards determined values by the society, only then it is called progress. Should any change be called  as progress or not; for this we have to observe impacts and results of change. If social change is towards  determined values, it is profitable and suitable for the society; it increases the comfort and convenience  of man, then we call it as progress. In other words, the change that occurs in accordance to the criteria  and tests of progress is only called progress. Social progress and Social change differ in the following aspects:  

  • In social progress, aim is defi nite; moving towards it is called progress, while social change has no  aim.
  •  The direction of social progress is defi nite, while no direction is fi xed for social change. It can occur  in any direction.  
  • The relation of social progress is with social values. This is an ethical concept, while social change  is an indifferent process from ethical view point, which has no relation with social values.  
  • In social progress, society gets profi ts, while there are limitations and advantages obtained from  social change.  
  • Social progress is not automatic; efforts are to be made for it, while social change can be both automatic  and planned. 

In this way, social progress is a part of social change. It is a change in defi nite, desirable and recognisable  direction of society.

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