Equality of outcome as a political idea. (UPSC CSE Mains 2021 - Political Science and International Relations, Paper 1)

  • Equality of outcomes is a substantive conception of equality which attempts to provide substance to the concept of equality. While formal equality dictates behavior through the application of rules and procedures consistently, equality of outcomes, on the other hand, seeks to inject a principle of morality into the application of equality. Equality of outcome stands on the idea that the principle of equal treatment sometimes requires different treatment for certain grounds of disadvantage. The social philosophy behind this conception of equality is an egalitarian understanding of social justice and good life. This concept of equality finds expression through a range of policies and legal mechanisms in various jurisdictions of the world in the form of reverse discrimination, positive discrimination and affirmative action.
  • Equality of outcome implies equal distribution of rewards such as income, wealth and other social goods irrespective of the social and family backgrounds or talents and efforts. The idea of equality of outcome necessitates the introduction of far more dramatic measures by the state for necessary changes to be visible in society. This emphasis on ‘outcomes’ rather than ‘opportunities’ shifts attention away from the starting point of life to its end results. In other words, equality of outcome emphasises equal distribution of rewards among all sections of society and does not take into account the starting points, efforts, skill and talent of individuals. As such, the idea of equality of outcome not only differs from formal equality and equality of opportunity but could also possibly contradict them. The demand for equal outcomes is mostly associated with the idea of material equality, social circumstances and also wages. Many see equality of outcome as a prerequisite for securing individual liberty as a certain level of material prosperity is essential to lead a worthwhile life.

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