Illustrate the importance of ‘Kanyadan’ and ‘Kulabadhu’ in changing institution of marriage and family. (UPSC CSE Mains 2018 - Sociology, Paper 2)

  • Kanyadaan is the ritual where a father symbolically gives his daughter to the groom during a Hindu wedding. It signifies the transition of a woman’s marital status and responsibilities from her natal family to her husband’s. Kanyadaan emphasized patrilineal descent and the importance of male lineage continuation.
  • Kulavadhu refers to the ideal daughter-in-law in certain Indian communities. Traditionally, it emphasizes qualities like obedience, submissiveness, and devotion to the husband’s family. This practice is deeply entrenched in patrilineal and patriarchal norms, prioritizing women’s commitment to their marital families.

The changes in marriage and family and its impact on significance of kanyadaan and Kulvadhu

    • Patricia Uberoi’s research reveals the intricate interplay between tradition and modernity in Kanyadaan. It can be viewed as a patriarchal custom reinforcing gender roles. However as the significance of marriage is changing and couple enters into marriage as equals has made this ritual mere custom and reduced the significance.
    • The concept of kanyadaan also highlights the detachment of girl from patrilineal property and lineage. But rise in legal rational authority has overcome this aspect too as now female children are equal in inheritance rights.
    • Leela Dube analyze Kulavadhu in the context of women’s roles and identities within families. It perpetuates unequal power dynamics within marriages and contributes to women’s subordination. However as India undergoes social and economic transformations, women’s roles and expectations within families are shifting. Many women now pursue education, careers, and personal aspirations alongside their roles as wives and daughters-in-law.
    • With advent of rise in nuclear families and symmetrical marriages the idealised role of kulvadhu has lost its significance.
    • Apart from it the ascribed authority of kulvadhu also deciling as now respect in family is associated with achievement status.
    • Rise in neo local families has changed the dynamics in family and marriage and attached value of these rituals and institutions is also modifying.
    • Increase in divorces, re- marriages And court marriage along with inter caste , inter faith marriage has lost the even ritual significance of these institutions.
    • And new dimensions of family like Same Sex Couple, Sologamy , Live In Relations have almost no significance of Kanyadaan And Kulvadhu.
  • Apart from these changes, however there are some aspects of continuity of significance of such tradition can be seen in rise in dowry as a security of women due to Kanyadaan still holding relevance as dowry is considered as compensation for leaving the right in patrilineal property . Similarly the concept of Kulvadhu might be declining but there is still larger responsibility of expressive role is on women which are leading to double shift of women.
  • Veena Das emphasize the importance of recognizing and respecting women’s agency in navigating these rituals and negotiating their positions within changing family contexts. Kanyadaan and Kulavadhu exemplify the intricate relationship between tradition and modernity within the evolving institution of marriage and family in India. These practices have adapted over time, mirroring broader shifts in societal norms, gender dynamics, and the agency of women.

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