“In doing a good thing, everything is permitted which is not prohibited expressly or by clear implication.” Examine the statement with suitable examples in the context of a public servant discharging his/her duties. (UPSC IAS Mains 2018 General Studies Paper – 4)

  • The given statement implies that an individual is permitted to take any action necessary to achieve a positive outcome as long as that action is not prohibited explicitly or implicitly.
  • In the context of a public servant discharging his/her duties, this statement highlights the importance of understanding the limits of their authority and taking actions that are ethical, lawful, and in the public interest. For example a district magistrate visits a government school and eats the mid- day meals cooked for children. This is not a proscribed act and it can help teachers provide good quality meals to children.
  • For instance, a public servant may be tasked with enforcing regulations to ensure public safety. In this case, the public servant must ensure that they operate within the legal framework of their authority, but they can also take necessary steps to ensure that the regulations are enforced to promote public safety, even if it requires going beyond the requirements of the law.
  • However, if a public servant takes actions that are not consistent with the law, ethical standards, or public interest, they may be held accountable for their actions. For example, if a public servant uses their authority to benefit themselves or a particular group, it would be considered an abuse of power, and they may face disciplinary action or legal consequences.
  • Therefore, it is essential for public servants to understand the boundaries of their authority, act within the legal and ethical framework, and ensure that their actions promote the public interest. In doing so, they can effectively discharge their duties and uphold their responsibilities as public servants.

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