November 27, 2020 - Daily Quiz

1. Which of the following sectors is not included in the NITI Aayog’s focus regarding “National AI Strategy”:
  1. Agriculture
  2. MSME
  3. Education
  4. Infrastructure
  5. Oil and Natural Gas
Select the correct code: (a) 1, 2 and 4 only (b) 2 and 5 only (c) 3 and 5 only (d) 1 and 3 only 2. The height of rising water varies depending upon the position of sun and moon with respect to the earth. Which of the following statements is true in this regard: (a) When the moon’s orbit is closest to the earth, unusually high and low tides occur. (b) During perigee, the tidal range is much less than normal. (c) When the earth is farthest to the sun, tidal ranges are also much greater. (d) All of the above
3. Sugar worth Rs. 126 per kg and Rs. 135 per kg are mixed with a third variety in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2. If the mixture is worth Rs. 153 per kg, the price of the third variety per kg will be: (a) Rs. 185.50 (b) Rs. 195.50 (c) Rs. 165.50 (d) Rs. 175.50 4. The Pin Valley National Park (PVNP) is located in which state? (a) Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) (b) Arunachal Pradesh (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Sikkim  5. Sand dunes are a special feature of the desert region made by wind deposition. Consider the following statements regarding the Sand Dunes: 1. The formation of Sand Dunes are affected by the factors like amount of sand available, direction and force of wind and an obstruction in the path of the wind. 2. If vegetation or a line of trees starts growing on the dunes they become fixed. 3. In case there is no such obstruction, sand dunes may bury agricultural land, plains and settlements. Which of the following above statements is true? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 ANSWERS 1. (b) NITI Aayog has decided to focus on five sectors that are envisioned to benefit the most from AI (in solving societal needs): Healthcare: Increased access and affordability of quality healthcare. Agriculture: Enhanced farmers’ income, increased farm productivity and reduction of wastage. Education: Improved access and quality of education. Smart Cities and Infrastructure: Efficient connectivity for the burgeoning urban population. Smart Mobility and Transportation: Smarter and safer modes of transportation and better traffic and congestion management. 2. (a) Once in a month, when the moon’s orbit is closest to the earth (perigee), unusually high and low tides occur. During this time the tidal range is greater than normal. Two weeks later, when the moon is farthest from earth (apogee), the moon’s gravitational force is limited and the tidal ranges are less than their average heights. When the earth is closest to the sun (perihelion), around 3rd January each year, tidal ranges is also much greater, with unusually high and unusually low tides. When the earth is farthest from the sun (aphelion), around 4th July each year, tidal ranges are much less than average. 3. (d)  4. (c) The Pin Valley National Park is located within the Lahaul and Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh. The Park forms a natural habitat for a number of endangered animals such as snow leopard and Siberian ibex with its snow laden unexplored higher reaches and slopes. 5. (d) Sand dunes are a special feature of the desert regions. They are of different types and have a variety of shapes. The major factors affecting their formation are (a) amount of sand available (b) direction and force of wind, (c) an obstruction in the path of the wind e.g. a bush, a stone or a dead animal. As long as the wind is strong enough to carry the sand, the sand dunes are mobile and they keep on shifting from one place to another. If vegetation or a line of trees starts growing on the dunes they become fixed. They also become stationary when they are blocked by a hillock. In case there is no such obstruction, sand dunes may bury agricultural land, plains and settlements.  

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