What are the reactions of R.K. Merton to the functionalism of social anthropologists? Bring out the limitations of latent functions. (UPSC CSE Mains 2020 - Sociology, Paper 1)

  • Merton''s reactions to the functionalism of social anthropologists highlight the importance of studying both the manifest and latent functions of social institutions, as well as the potential dysfunctions and conflicts that may arise within societies.
  • Robert Merton refuted the account of traditional functionalism or the functionalism dominated by social anthropologists. He refuted the three primary postulates of functional unity, of functional universalism and of functional indispensability. He was against the generalization and universalisation of theories instead he favoured ‘middle-range’theories. Ex. refrence group theory instead of whole society.
  • According to Merton, not everything about a concept is always known. Functions should be analysed at three levels: system, sub-system and individual level. Trying to generalize at the whole society level might always result in positive functions of everything which might not be the real case at other levels. It may be functional or dysfunctional at other level.
  • According to Merton, one institution performing a function can be replaced by another for the same function if it would be a better alternative. Like in Kibutzz in Indonesia which got the childcare as the group there regards it saviour from bad mothering.
  • Further Merton also visualized Manifest and latent functions related to any act or behaviour. He stated Manifest to be those which are noticed but there may be latent also which are not observable. Ex. Hopi rain dance of Red Indian tribes though doesn’t looks functional but it has latent function of instilling solidarity among the tribe members.
  • But the latent functions have limitations. These are not easily observable. They do carry some subjective value or in other words own meaning assigned by the actor. As carrying subjective element it will vary from person to person hence easy hypothesis not possible. The biggest flaw is that when they are unknown to a person being invisible how could they influence their behaviour? Yet Merton proposed objective, empirical findings to search the real cause of any act.

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