What is Social Justice? How can reservation of seats for women in Parliament contribute to the establishment of a socially just society in India?. (250 words)

The fair distribution of advantages, assets, and benefits among all members of a society is known as Social Justice. Women who constitute nearly half of the population occupy less than 10% of parliamentary seats. Reservation of seats for women in Parliament contribute to the establishment of a socially just society in India as:-
  • It will ensure proper representation of women.
  • It would lead to gender equality in Parliament, resulting in the empowerment of women as a whole.
  • Increased political participation of women will help them fight the abuse, discrimination, and inequality they suffer from.
   There are a number of international instrument supporting certain definite state measure for political development of women. Various provisions of CEDAW mention promotion of political rights of women, for instance, Article 1, Article 3 and Article 7. The most important problem in the society as far as women is concerned is not about economical dependence or violation of their basic rights but the mindset of the people and society which leads to an aggravating situation. If women will be considered an equal part of the society, then the cases of dowry death and torture, sexual harassment, female foeticide, sati, unequal pay for equal work would automatically diminish. The fact that women will be on a seat of Parliament or state legislature, a place which is much coveted by most powerful people in the country will help the society in realizing that women are one amongst equals.

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