Verrier El win’s views on freedom for the tribals. (UPSC CSE Mains 2015 - Sociology, Paper 1).

Verrier Elwin was a prominent British-born Indian anthropologist, missionary, and social worker who dedicated his life to understanding and advocating for the rights and freedom of India''s tribal communities. His views on freedom for tribals were deeply rooted in his belief in their right to self-determination and preservation of their distinct cultures. Verrier Elwin''s work in India spanned several decades, during which he immersed himself in the lives and cultures of various tribal communities. His experiences led him to develop a nuanced perspective on tribal freedom and their rights.

Views on Freedom for Tribals:

  1. Cultural Preservation:Elwin firmly believed that tribal communities had a right to preserve their unique cultures, languages, and traditions. He argued that cultural diversity enriched India''s social fabric. For instance, he advocated for the protection of the Gondi language spoken by the Gond tribe in central India, recognizing its significance as a cultural identity marker.
  2. Land and Resource Rights:Elwin emphasized the importance of granting tribals ownership and control over their ancestral lands and natural resources. He believed that this was essential to ensure their economic and social well-being. The Forest Rights Act of 2006 in India, which recognizes the rights of forest-dwelling tribal communities, aligns with his views.
  3. Education and Empowerment:Elwin saw education as a key tool for empowering tribal communities. He worked towards establishing schools in tribal areas and encouraged the development of a curriculum that respected and integrated their traditional knowledge. The establishment of Eklavya Model Residential Schools in India is a testament to his vision.
  4. Protection from Exploitation:He was an advocate for protecting tribal communities from exploitation and marginalization. He campaigned against practices like forced labor and land alienation, which disproportionately affected tribals. His efforts contributed to the creation of legislation to protect tribal rights.
  5. Participation in Decision-Making:Elwin believed that tribals should have a voice in decisions that affected their lives. He advocated for their representation in local governance structures, ensuring that they could actively participate in the development process. Examples of tribal representation in Panchayati Raj institutions in some states reflect this principle.


  • Elwin''s work with the Muria Gonds in Bastar, Chhattisgarh, is a remarkable example. He lived among them, documented their culture, and played a pivotal role in raising awareness about their rights. His efforts contributed to the recognition of the Muria Gonds as a Scheduled Tribe.
  • The establishment of the Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram, an organization dedicated to the welfare of tribal communities, was influenced by Elwin''s vision. It continues to work towards improving the lives of tribal people in various parts of India.

Verrier Elwin''s views on freedom for tribals were grounded in a deep understanding of their cultures and needs. His advocacy for cultural preservation, land and resource rights, education, protection from exploitation, and participation in decision-making continues to shape policies and initiatives aimed at uplifting tribal communities in India. His legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting and preserving the diverse identities and rights of tribal populations in our society.

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